Loddon Shire Mayoral Column

Published on 31 August 2020


Community grants funding allocated

Thirty-four community groups across the Shire have received full or partial funding for their community projects through Council’s 2020/21 Community Grants Scheme.

A total of $179,931 in funding has been allocated over two rounds, with 24 community groups receiving funding under Round 1 of the grants and 10 groups under Round 2. Council approved Round 1 and 2 grant allocations at its July and August meetings respectively.

Grant allocations include $10,000 each for Boort Yando Cricket Club, Boort Lakeside Croquet Club, Inglewood and Bridgewater Men’s Shed, Mitiamo Football and Netball Club, Pyramid Golf Club and Pyramid Hill Football and Netball Club.

Other recipients include Boort Amity Club, Eddington Community Centre, East Loddon Historical Society, Calivil Recreation Reserve Committee of Management, Mitiamo Municipal Recreation Reserve, Wedderburn Development Association and Korong Historical Society.

The Loddon Shire Community Grants Scheme started in the 2000/01 financial year to help recreation, sporting and service organisations deliver projects that improve the quality of life for residents.

Council has since invested around $2,500,000 towards the scheme, supporting over 700 community-based projects worth more than $5,300,000.

Childcare Feasibility Study and Business Case

At its August meeting, Council received and noted a Childcare Feasibility Study and Business Case, and endorsed the option of Long Day Care as Council’s preferred model.

This model supports the establishment and viability of long day care services in the Council area. It is expected that this long-term solution will take between three to five years to establish.

The availability of childcare has been identified as a high priority by Council, parents, caregivers and service providers, and as a priority in our community through the Loddon Shire Council Plan 2017-2021 as well as regional strategies.

Council will now continue to pursue options around this model, including funding opportunities to appoint a project officer as well as other State and Federal Government funding avenues. An advisory group to support advocacy efforts will also be established.

COVID-19 business support and Hardship Policy

At its meeting this month, Council elected to waive a number of fees applicable to businesses in the Shire. This includes caravan park registration fees and fees related to food premises, accommodation, hairdressing and beauty premises, and barbers.

The waiving of these fees aims to assist these businesses in managing the impact of COVID-19. The waived fees will be funded from the $400,000 allocation set aside for initiatives to support the community to recover from the impacts of COVID-19.

Council also adopted the updated COVID-19 Hardship Policy, extending its application to 31 December 2020, due to the ongoing impact of COVID-19.

The policy helps ratepayers experiencing difficulty as a result of COVID-19 in making payments of rates and waste charges raised by Council.

COVID-19 information on Council website

In mentioning assistance and resources around COVID-19, I’d just like to highlight Council’s COVID-19 information on its website. This information has recently updated, and includes resources for both businesses and residents.

There are links providing information around Council’s response to COVID-19, health and wellbeing during COVID-19, business support (including links to State and Federal Government support), Working for Victoria and COVID-19 community champions.

To find out more, visit www.loddon.vic.gov.au and click on the COVID-19 tab on the front page. 

Local Government elections

Following advice from the Victorian Chief Health Officer, the Minister for Local Government Shaun Leane, has announced that Local Government elections will go ahead as scheduled this October. This includes the Loddon Shire Council election.

The Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) is preparing to deliver local council elections during the circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic. Elections will be conducted entirely by post – a safe and completely confidential method of voting.

Ballot packs will be mailed out to every enrolled person from Tuesday, 6 October to Thursday, 8 October. Voting closes at 6pm on Friday, 23 October.

The postal vote receipt period will close at 12 noon on Friday, 30 October. Only votes posted before the close of voting can be accepted.

The latest date all results will be declared is Friday, 13 November.

For community members looking to stand as a candidate in the upcoming Loddon Shire Council election, candidate nominations open on Thursday, 17 September and close at 12 noon on Tuesday, 22 September.

Before you can nominate as a candidate, you must first complete the mandatory Local Government Candidate Training. For more information and to access the training, go to www.localgovernment.vic.gov.au/council-governance/candidate-training  

For more information about Local Government elections visit vec.vic.gov.au

Citizenship congratulations

Last week I had the honour to conduct another virtual citizenship ceremony. I’d like to congratulate our newest Australian citizen Mrs Oraphan Phoomkhokrak. Oraphan is originally from Thailand.


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