Loddon Shire Mayoral Column

Published on 27 July 2020


COVID-19 updates

A few days ago it became mandatory for people living in the metropolitan areas and Mitchell Shire to wear a face covering when leaving home. This follows a concerning increase in coronavirus cases in recent days, particularly where people are working closely together.

Face coverings in regional Victoria continue to be recommended in situations where maintaining 1.5 metres distance is not possible. However, regional Victorians who visit the metropolitan Melbourne or Mitchell Shire areas for a reason that meets the restriction requirements will have to wear a mask.

The State of Emergency will also be extended until 11.59pm on 16 August 2020, allowing for the enforcement of this direction and other vital public health directions from the Chief Health Officer. For further information visit www.vic.gov.au/coronavirus.

Jobs skills package

The Federal Government has established the JobTrainer fund which will provide access to free or low cost vocational education and training in areas of defined need.

The fund will provide additional training places to help school leavers and job seekers access pre-apprenticeships, short courses and full qualifications to develop new skills and create pathways to more qualifications.

The apprenticeship wage incentive scheme has also been expanded to support both the apprentices and the small and medium sized businesses that employ them.

The JobTrainer package is a vital part of the national recovery efforts from COVID-19 by keeping apprentices in jobs and ensuring that businesses are able to get the skilled workers they need.

Community connector

As mentioned in last week’s Mayoral Column, physical distancing, stay at home restrictions and work-related isolation have led to feelings of loneliness and disconnection in the community.

In response, the Victorian Government has established the COVID-19 Community Activation and Social Isolation (CASI) initiative to help people maintain and build social connections in their local communities.

An important element of the initiative is a community connector who liaises with the people who contact the hotline seeking assistance. The connector links people to local support and service agencies or groups, depending on their need. In Loddon Shire, the community connector work is being undertaken by the Bendigo Loddon Primary Care Partnership.

If you are distressed and needing someone to turn to, a friendly listening ear and caring voice, to link you into local supports or give vital information, then call the coronavirus hotline on 1800 675 398.

Loddon Mallee Renewable Energy Art Exhibition

Ten artworks from last year’s Loddon Mallee Renewable Energy Art Exhibition are currently on show at the Inglewood Town Hall until the end of August.

In 2019, emerging and established artists from across the region submitted works to the theme, ‘Our renewable energy future’ in a range of mediums in response to an invitation from the Department of Environment Land Water and Planning (DELWP).

The aim of the initiative is to provide an opportunity for artists and their communities to understand renewable energy through creative expression and to imagine a future that can help tackle climate change.

It is hoped that people will be inspired by the art and take the time to reflect and engage in discussions with family, friends and peers about renewable energy.

The exhibition will be open from 9am to 4.30pm, Monday to Thursday. Appropriate hygiene, physical distancing and contact tracing protocols will apply.

Farm Safety Week

National Farm Safety Week 2020, starting today, will focus on educational programs to help make farms safer, especially for children.

Children in Victoria’s outer regional areas aged younger than 15 are four times more likely to die due to injury than children in major cities. Drowning is the leading cause of death of children on farms.

Two programs to take place in Victoria will target primary and secondary school students to increase awareness of known injury hazards such as dams, farm equipment and off-road motorbike use.

Teaching children about farms as workplaces is a vital part of changing attitudes, with information showing children influence the decisions their parents make, in turn improving farm safety for the whole family.

Stay connected

On the subject of being connected, the Victorian Government is offering grants for community organisations, incorporated not-for-profit and industry groups through the ‘Let’s Stay Connected Fund’.

The fund offers eligible groups between $5,000 and $200,000 to support innovative, community-based initiatives that build connection, reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation and can also be implemented quickly, in order to provide much-needed support across the state.

The funds could help groups adapt the way they deliver programs or events, improve their digital skills or help develop new ways for people to volunteer while maintaining physical distancing.

The funds will boost communities and support them to develop new ideas to stay connected, highlighting the link between social connection and community wellbeing.

Applications for the Let’s Stay Connected Fund are open until 31 August and applicants are encouraged to apply as early as possible at www.djpr.vic.gov.au/lets-stay-connected.

Small business financial counselling

As mentioned in a previous Mayoral Column, the Rural Financial Counselling Service is offered to eligible small businesses or those looking to start a small business in North West Victoria.

The free service is a confidential and independent program that aims to provide businesses with the tools to make informed financial and business decisions. The counsellors can provide advice on such things as: record keeping practices, debt management, employer obligations, taxation, lending institutions and support services.

Since 1984 Rural Financial Counselling Services has assisted farmers and small business owners to understand their business results and position and have helped with planning and developing business options.

On Tuesday 4 August 7pm, Loddon Shire Council is hosting a virtual information session with Rural Financial Counselling Services for Loddon Shire businesses who would like to know more about what assistance the service can give to their business.

This session is for one hour and will help business owners work on their business not in their business. To register attendance, email Robyn Vella rvella@loddon.vic.gov.au.

The Loddon Project

Council is currently working with the community in The Loddon Project to find out how residents can best participate in Council decision-making. The findings will help develop the Community Vision – a document which will express the aims of the community for the next decade.

Throughout the month of July, The Loddon Project has been reviewing Council’s Community Engagement Policy. The review will incorporate the community engagement principles outlined in the Act.

August will be a busy month where the Project will start working on our Community Vision. There will be a number of ways that residents can be involved and we would love to hear from you. Make sure you stay up to date by checking out the Loddon Project page on Councils website: www.loddon.vic.gov.au/Our-Council/Community-Engagement/The-Loddon-Project, or joining the Loddon Project Facebook Group.


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