Mayoral Column 14 January 2019

Published on 14 January 2019

Storm damage clean up continues

Works will take place to restore significantly damaged sections of roads around Berrimal and Gower East areas, following a storm event on 13 December last year.

The storm saw significant rainfall in the areas, with residents reporting up to 150 millimetres of rain in just three hours. Water runoff from the storm damaged several roads in and around the Berrimal and Gower East areas.

Council crews were on site following the event to carry out immediate works to make the roads safe and open the roads back up.

Council is working with the Department of Treasury and Finance for financial assistance to complete the restoration of the damaged roads under the Victorian Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements.

Guide to working on rural roadsides now available

Council has just released a handy pocket guide regarding working on rural roadsides in Loddon Shire. The guide provides an overview of what permits might be needed for activities on a roadside, who to contact in Council as well as Victorian and federal legislation applied to each activity.

Activities listed in the guide include mowing or slashing of native vegetation, stock movement, earthworks, revegetation and many more.

Additionally, the guide provides a list of VicRoads-managed roads and roadside reserves in our Shire.

The pocket guide is available now from Council offices and via Council’s website at

Copies of the guide will also be distributed to local community and resource centres. 

Don’t miss Australia Day celebrations

With Australia Day just under a fortnight away, I wanted to take this opportunity to remind our community about the events taking place right across our Shire on 26 January to celebrate the day.

Celebrations will be held at Arnold, Boort, Bridgewater, Eddington, Inglewood, Mitiamo, Newbridge, Pyramid Hill and Wedderburn.

The Australia Day festivities will also include the presentation of Citizen of the Year, Young Citizen of the Year, Community Group/Event of the Year awards and Community Services Award, as well as speeches from Australia Day ambassadors.

Additionally, the Eddington and Pyramid Hill events will provide a chance to welcome our newest Australian citizens, with a Citizenship ceremony to be held at these towns during the celebrations.

To find out more, including event times and locations, visit Council’s website

MAV strategic planning process

Next month the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) will start the process to develop its 2019/20 Strategic Work Plan.

As its name suggests, the strategic work plan sets out the MAV’s work program for the year. Issues and actions within the plan are identified in consultation with MAV member councils (which includes Loddon Shire).

Loddon Shire plans to put forward a number of issues for consideration of inclusion in the MAV Strategic Work Plan.

This includes advocating for an increase in the overall funding pool for local government under the Financial Assistance Grants program, and a stronger understanding of issues faced by councils around aged care transition. Loddon Shire would also like to see the MAV advocate for funding for smaller rural councils to engage staff to develop their level of governance.

The issues that Council plans to put forward to the MAV will be confirmed at this month’s Council Meeting on 22 January. Loddon Shire will attend an MAV consultation session in early February. 

Did you know?

Council conducts citizenship ceremonies on behalf of the Commonwealth Government.

Since January 2017, 18 people have taken part in citizenship ceremonies conducted by Loddon Shire. The country of origin for these citizens includes the Philippines, England, New Zealand, India and Germany.

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