Loddon Shire Mayoral Column
Published on 10 February 2020
Fruit fly education
On Tuesday 25 February, East Loddon Lions Club is offering a hands-on education session to members of the community keen to join the fight to eradicate the potentially devastating fruit fly.
Fruit flies are a serious pest and can cause major damage to the stone fruit industry. Eradication is everyone’s responsibility as domestic trees which harbour fruit flies have the capacity to cause major financial hardship for our local commercial growers.
East Loddon Lions have already provided education for children at Raywood, Pyramid Hill and East Loddon primary schools, including making fruit fly traps. The next session is aimed at developing this information for adults who have fruit trees in their backyard or neighbourhood. It will include a hands-on session to make traps and the materials will be supplied.
The free session on 25 February will begin at 7.30pm at the East Loddon Lions’ Den and will include a light supper. For further information or to register interest, please contact event organiser Allan Guthrie on 0428 511 193 or East Loddon Lions Secretary Dianna Linton on 0499 183 020.
Slow down around schools
Now that school has returned for the 2020 school year, it is timely to remind people to take care on our roads and keep children safe.
School zone speed limits are now in force and must be obeyed. Young children can be unpredictable and hard to see and the reduced limits dramatically increase the chance of survival in the event of a child being struck by a vehicle. School pick-up and drop-off can be full of distractions and drivers need to pay extra attention.
In addition, mobile phones and smartwatches are a major distraction and have been linked with an increased chance of being involved in a crash. Tough penalties apply for using or touching mobile phones when driving or even when stationery but not parked.
Let’s keep our children safe around schools by being extra vigilant during drop-off and pick up times, obey parking restrictions, keep clear of school crossings and ensure children are fitted with age appropriate car restraints.
Reduce, reuse and recycle
As I mentioned last week, it’s good news that our recycling contractor Veolia will recommence the processing of recyclables on 17 February 2020.
Meanwhile, it is important for all of us to look at ways in which we can reduce waste. This includes limiting the use of single-use and disposable products and trying to choose alternatives which can be used again.
Putting the wrong materials in your recycling bin may lead to large amounts of recyclable material being sent to landfill. Never put items for recycling in plastic bags but rather, keep them loose in the recycling bin. Plastic bags and other soft plastic should not be placed in your recycling bin but dropped off at collection points such as participating supermarkets.
There are many sources of information to help us all use less and throw away less. For more ideas visit: https://www.energy.gov.au/households/reducing-waste or https://planetark.org/news/display/2777
Council is continuing its program of offering residents quarterly free waste disposal at each of its Landfill and Transfer Station locations on Saturday 15 February and Sunday 16 February. For more information please visit: https://www.loddon.vic.gov.au/News-and-public-notices/Public-notices/FEE-FREE-WASTE-DISPOSAL-DAY
New volunteers welcome
The Loddon Visitor Information Centre in Wedderburn is looking for people to become part of the enthusiastic team, to help visitors and promote the region.
Volunteers are trained with knowledge of the region and enjoy a free familiarisation tour that helps promote team building and friendship and offers fascinating insights into the local attractions. Volunteers are also rewarded with a Christmas function, free internet access when volunteering and the opportunity to meet new residents as well as visitors from Australia and overseas.
To obtain an information pack and learn more about this valuable service, please contact the Loddon Visitor Information Centre on (03) 5494 1257.
Did you know
Council is committed to economic development in our region. The Loddon Valley Business Network Dinner is a great opportunity for businesses, event organisers and sole operators to share and learn new ideas, develop connections and promote their businesses within the local area.
The next Business Network Dinner will be held on Tuesday 17 March at the Eucalyptus Distillery Museum, Grant Street Inglewood. Guest presenters will include local producers as well as Food Fossickers and Bendigo Tourism’s ticketing services.
The cost is $10 per person and includes finger food. To attend the Network Dinner, RSVP to Shelby Hutchinson by 9 March: shutchinson@loddon.vic.gov.au or phone: (03) 5494 1257.