Loddon Shire Mayoral Column

Published on 10 August 2020


Stage 3 restrictions

Last week regional Victoria returned to Stage 3 restrictions for six weeks. This means that there are now only four reasons to leave your home: shopping for food and essential items, care and caregiving, to exercise, and work and study (if you can’t do it at home).

These restrictions also mean that you can’t have visitors to your home, and schools have returned to remote learning.

Businesses will also return to Stage 3 restrictions – this includes the closing of pubs, while cafes and restaurants are take-away only.

Unfortunately these restrictions also mean the closure of our parks, playgrounds and outdoor gym equipment.

Council’s Wedderburn and Serpentine customer service offices continue to remain closed to the public. However, you can call our customer service on 5494 1200, or email loddon@loddon.vic.gov.au 

All Goldfields Libraries branches and agencies have closed and are expected to remain closed until at least Sunday, 13 September (in line with the Victorian Government’s anticipated easing of Stage 3 restrictions).

The Goldfields Library teams will still be hosting online programs and events – including Storytimes (via Zoom, YouTube and Facebook).

You can also enjoy a range of online library services, such as eBooks, audiobooks, digital magazines and newspapers, family history and learning at home resources, movies and television, children’s activities and wellbeing activities.

Visit www.ncgrl.vic.gov.au/ to find out more.

If you have any queries or would like more information, please email or give your local library a call and leave your details. A staff member will then give you a call back. 

You can follow any Council updates on our Facebook page www.facebook.com/LoddonShire as well as our website www.loddon.vic.gov.au

For a full list of Stage 3 restrictions, as well as updates and advice about COVID-19, please visit www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus

Going back to Stage 3 restrictions will no doubt be challenging for many of us. Please ensure to support those around you however you are able – be it a phone call, video chat, a text or through a message on social media. As we saw the last time we faced these restrictions, I am sure our community will once again work together and help each other out during this time.

Rates and COVID-19 Hardship Policy

With the distribution of rate notices from late last week, I just wanted to remind our community that Council has implemented a COVID-19 Hardship Policy. This policy helps ratepayers experiencing difficulty in meeting rate payment deadlines – whether you pay your rates by instalment or in full.

For people suffering financial hardship, Council can help by discussing payment plans for rates and charges that are tailored to suit a ratepayer’s individual needs. Deferments of rate payments for a short time can also be negotiated.

If you’re paying your rates by instalment, the first instalment is due on 30 September 2020. If you choose to pay your rates in full, the payment is due on 15 February 2021.

You can also now receive your rates notices electronically via EzyBill. This safe, securely hosted and easy-to-use system lets you receive future rate notices electronically to your email address. You will just need a copy of your latest rate notice to register.

If you have any questions regarding your rates notice or would like more information regarding Council’s COVID-19 Hardship Policy, please call the rates department on 5494 1200.

Funding for Little Lake Boort Footpath Project

In some positive news, the Victorian Government recently announced funding of $50,000 to complete the Little Lake Boort foreshore footpath project, through its Building Works package.

Healthy Heart of Victoria has also provided $5,000 in funding towards the project and Council $5,000 in-kind support. 

The footpath, to be constructed at the northern end of the lake, will allow community members to walk, run or ride around the lake without needing to cross the main road, providing an uninterrupted footpath and improved safety. 

The funding for the footpath is very much welcomed. According to Council’s Active Living Census 2019, Little Lake Boort was identified as the number one recreation facility used throughout the Loddon Shire.

Completion of the footpath will not only improve this well-loved facility, but will have a positive impact on the community, including by encouraging physical activity.

The project was originally identified through the Healthy Heart of Victoria and the Boort community, with Boort Tourism Development Committee providing $7,000 in seed funding to establish parkrun events (once easing of COVID-19 restrictions permit this). Parkruns are free, weekly community events held around the world.

The works are expected to be completed by the end of this year.

Victorian Country Market e-commerce initiative

Loddon Valley producers are encouraged to join the Victorian Country Market (VCM) – an e-commerce initiative that promotes the best that regional Victoria has to offer.

The VCM is a unique and purpose-built site for regional vendors and producers to continue to showcase their quality products to Victorians. It also provides a way for the public to continue to support our farmers, growers, makers and traders during these uncertain times.

The VCM is not intended to replace any current e-commerce ventures or existing markets/networks. Instead the market aims to enhance and extend them – similar to regular farmers markets, trade show or field day would.

The market is free to join for the first year of operation, and includes free delivery within Victoria until the end of August.

To find out more visit https://viccm.rechargevic.com.au/

Loddon Shed Launch reminder

Speaking of local producers – a quick reminder that I will be launching the new online store “The Loddon Shed” tomorrow (Tuesday, 11 August at 7.00pm) via Facebook live stream.

The store will showcase the best of Loddon food producers, growers and microbusinesses to offer our wonderful local products in one easy shopping experience.

Remembering the end of WWII

On 15 August, it will be 75 years since Japan surrendered and brought about the end of World War II for Australians – marking what’s now known as Victory in the Pacific Day (VP Day).

The Victorian Government is encouraging everyone to commemorate the day and pay tribute to the service of World War II veterans from our homes.

This includes an online ceremony which will be hosted by RSL Victoria and the Shrine of Remembrance on their Facebook pages from 11.20am on VP Day.

A series of virtual exhibitions and augmented reality experiences will also be held online to mark this significant anniversary. To find out more visit www.vic.gov.au/75th-anniversary-end-world-war-two-wwii

Projects update

A number of projects are currently underway in our Shire – including drainage works in Kiniry Street at Boort.

The works include underground stormwater drainage, new footpath as well as kerb and channel. The works are anticipated to be completed towards the end of September.

Initial preparation work for the replacement of Sloan’s Road Bridge over Bullabul Creek south west of Bridgewater is underway. All components for the new concrete bridge have been cast, with works to start soon on dismantling the old bridge for its replacement. The project is expected to be completed by the end of October.

Safety upgrade works on the Old Inglewood reservoir are also progressing, with works anticipated to be finished by the end of the year.

Please bear in mind that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, including the re-introduction of Stage 3 restrictions, there may be an impact on these projects’ expected date of completion.


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