Loddon Valley collaboration workshop Monday 4 December
Published on 23 November 2017
A new push to strengthen the Loddon Valley’s tourism marketing effectiveness is under way.
A “collaboration workshop” planned for Monday 4 December in Serpentine will seek to cement strategies for growing visitation numbers and enhancing visitor experiences.
The move is part of the latest Loddon Shire Tourism Marketing Plan, which will be considered by Council later this month (November).
Tourism and marketing officer Robyn Vella said the groundwork for the workshop was laid down by a series of well-attended meetings held around the region earlier this year and through the contribution of Melbourne-based consultant Sharon Wells.
“The workshop will be about people connecting, about creating links across the Shire and strengthening the tourism product we have to offer,” Mrs Vella said.
“The aim is for Loddon’s tourism businesses to all be speaking to each other and all giving the same sort of message.
“We wanted to develop a marketing plan which aligns our larger towns with smaller ones nearby, working on our points of difference, strengths and opportunities.
“For example, we believe we need more activity on our public land – such as canoeing and cycling – so as to keep people overnight.
“How are our tourism businesses promoting what’s going on so that visitors are encouraged to stay in the region longer?
“Sharon Wells has been involved with Council for about 18 months now, both on this effort and our campaign to preserve and recognise Boort’s scar trees as a significant Aboriginal cultural heritage site.”
The workshop will be held at the Bowling Club in Peppercorn Way, Serpentine, with a “finger food” tea provided from 5.30pm before a 6pm start.
“The session is open to any business directly or indirectly involved in tourism or organisations within Loddon Shire,” Mrs Vella said.
For more information or to register, contact Sandra Steel at the Loddon Visitor Information Centre on (03) 5494 1257 or email ssteel@loddon.vic.gov.au by 30 November.