Loddon Shire to come together and celebrate our nation
Published on 16 January 2018
Volunteers are working tirelessly to put together the final details for this year’s Australia Day celebrations, which will see towns across the Loddon Shire come together in celebration of the nation.
Loddon Shire Council Mayor Cheryl McKinnon said a range of fun, family-focused events were planned for the day.
“The Loddon Australia Day Committee has worked hard to again bring a range of Australia Day events to our residents across the Shire.
“From breakfasts, morning teas, barbecue lunches and teas, swimming carnivals, merry-go-rounds and more, this year’s Australia Day celebrations will once again provide a great atmosphere to celebrate this special day,” Cr McKinnon said.
Celebrations will be held at Boort, Bridgewater, Eddington, Inglewood, Jarklin, Newbridge, Pyramid Hill, Tarnagulla and Wedderburn.
Cr McKinnon added that one of the highlights of the Australia Day celebrations each year was the announcement and presentation of awards, which acknowledged the outstanding contribution made by community members across a range of categories.
“This includes the presentation of Citizen of the Year, Young Citizen of the Year, Community Group/Event of the Year awards and Community Services Award,” Cr McKinnon said.
“These awards are a great opportunity to recognise the hard work of those who give so much back to our community.”
Australia Day ambassadors will also speak at events, which will feature a special flag raising ceremony and national anthem rendition.
Australia Day celebrations will take place at:
• Nolan’s Park in Boort at 9.15am
• Sloan’s Park in Bridgewater at 8am
• Eddington Community Centre at 8am
• Inglewood Swimming Pool at 11am
• Jarklin Hall at 8.30am
• Newbridge Hall at 11.15am
• Pyramid Hill Hall at 6pm, including a citizenship ceremony
• Soldiers Memorial Park at Tarnagulla at 5pm
• Jacka Park in Wedderburn at 5pm
Loddon Shire Australia Day Committee Secretary Shannon Brown said that in addition to the planned festivities, prizes will be awarded for the Australia Day competition entries.
“We once again had a fantastic variety of creative entries for our literature, colouring and photography competition. This competition is organised in partnership with primary and secondary schools across the Shire,” Mrs Brown said.
“There’s a wonderful range of entries produced around the theme of “Energy” for the photography exhibition and the theme “Volunteer Groups in the Loddon Shire” for the literature competition.”
A selection of the Australia Day competition entries for literature, colouring and photography will be displayed at Inglewood IGA, Millers Ag Supplies at Pyramid Hill, Wedderburn Old Milk Bar, Boort BRIC and Tarnagulla Community Centre. Entries can also be viewed on the day at Jarklin and Bridgewater.