Loddon Shire announces new CEO
Published on 25 May 2016
Loddon Shire Council is pleased to announce the appointment of Phil Pinyon as its new Chief Executive Officer at its meeting yesterday.
Mayor Neil Beattie said “On behalf of Council, I would like to welcome Phil to Loddon Shire Council and we look forward to working with him.
Phil has had an extensive local government career, holding various positions in several states.’
These roles include administration, planning and community services in South Australian local government, Chief Executive Officer with Jabiru Town Council in the Northern Territory, Director roles with Tamworth City Council, Toowoomba City Council and Hornsby Shire Council and General Manager positions with Greater Taree City Council, Blue Mountains City Council and Wagga Wagga City Council.
Until recently Phil was Locum General Manager at Murrumbidgee Shire Council.
This broad experience, much of which has been in regional Australia, provides Phil with a unique perspective on matters relevant to his new role.
Phil said he was delighted at the appointment and that he was looking forward to working with a cohesive group of Councillors and staff.
“I am enthusiastic about the opportunities and challenges presented at Loddon and my wife and I look forward to living in Wedderburn and becoming part of the local community”.
Phil will commence in the role at Loddon Shire on 4th July.
Cr Beattie said that the Acting CEO, Marg Allan will be finishing up on 1 July.
“I would like to take this opportunity to say how grateful Council has been for the time and effort that Marg has put in as acting CEO since the position became vacant.
Marg has been highly effective in leading the organisation and managing several significant matters during her time here.”