Loddon Shire Mayoral Column September 14

Published on 14 September 2020




Roadmap to reopening for regional Victoria

At the time of writing, from 11.59pm last night, regional Victoria started on the Second Step of the Victorian Government’s COVID-19 roadmap to reopening.

Under this step, there continues to be only four reasons you can leave home. That is, to shop for food and necessary goods or services, provide care or seek medical treatment, for outdoor exercise or recreation, and for work or education (if you can’t do it from home).

Up to five people from a maximum of two households will be able to meet outdoors for social interaction, while those living alone or a single parent are allowed one nominated visitor.

There will be a staged return to onsite learning for all students in Term 4 with safety measures in place.

Hospitality remains take-away and delivery only and retail is open (with density and other restrictions).

For full details regarding Second Step restrictions visit www.vic.gov.au/restrictions-roadmap-regional-victoria

The website also outlines the next steps in the roadmap towards COVID Normal and trigger points as to how we get there.

Council infrastructure program for 2020/21

Last week I provided an update on a few projects happening in the Shire. This week I thought it could be a good opportunity to provide information about Council’s Annual Infrastructure program, which sets out priority projects over the coming financial year. The program was adopted by Council at its July meeting.

The 2020/21 annual infrastructure program includes $751,439 for local road gravel resheets and $86,580 for local road shoulder resheets.

There is $2.7 million for sealed local road reconstruction (a portion of this total figure is subject to receiving external funding). This includes the upgrade and rehabilitation of Echuca Serpentine Road and Bridgewater Raywood Road (Council has applied for funding for these projects through the Heavy Vehicle Safety and Productivity Program). There are also upgrades for Laanecoorie Newbridge Road, Dalziels Road and Perrys Road.      

There is safety improvement funding of $100,000 for an upgrade of the barrier rail on Yorkshire Road bridge over Spring Creek, and funding of $264,704 to seal township gravel access streets in Pyramid Hill and Wedderburn. These sealing projects will reduce dust for adjoining properties and ensure every property in the Pyramid Hill Township has a sealed road access.

Significant funding of $924,964 has been allocated for the replacement and installation of new footpaths in Inglewood, Boort, Newbridge, Pyramid Hill and Wedderburn (totalling 3,335 square metres) and to install new kerb and channel in Andrews Street, Boort.

There is funding of just over $429,000 for a number of smaller culvert replacements, as well as drainage improvements in Heales Street in Inglewood, and to review the Skinners Flat Reservoir Safety Manual.

Additionally, there is around $1.93 million for replacement of two larger bridges and culverts. This includes Baileys Road Bridge (east of Inglewood) and Godfrey Street Bridge in Wedderburn. Grants have been applied for both of these projects.

There is also $723,259 for reseals and final seals on the sealed road network, $152,510 towards projects in parks and gardens as well as $527,436 for building projects.

Local Government elections nominations reminder

A reminder that nominations to stand as a candidate in the 2020 local council elections open this Thursday 17 September. Nominations close at noon on Tuesday 22 September.

Nominations must be lodged with the Election Manager during the nomination period.

Prospective candidates should confirm their eligibility and complete the online mandatory Local Government Candidate Training before lodging their nomination, including candidates who are currently or previously been a councillor.

Online mandatory Local Government Candidate Training is available at www.localgovernment.vic.gov.au/council-governance/candidate-training

Online candidate information sessions and online state-wide interactive candidate seminars are also available from vec.vic.gov.au.

The next candidate seminar will be held on Tuesday 15 September at 5pm.

Women on Council workshop event date change

There’s been a date change for the Women’s Health Loddon Mallee workshop, which will now be held on 16 September. So if you didn’t get a chance to enrol last time, you have another opportunity this time around.

The two-hour interactive workshop will explore experiences and strategies to support women across the Loddon Mallee standing as candidates in October’s local government elections.

The workshop will be held via Zoom on Wednesday 16 September from 4pm to 6pm.

Register at vlga.org.au by clicking on the Events & Training link and selecting WHLM: Women on Council workshop.

Loddon Project Reference Group expressions of interest

The deadline for expressions of interest to join the Loddon Project Community Reference Group has been extended to this Friday 18 September.

The Loddon Project Community Reference Group is a fantastic opportunity to work with fellow community members to provide input on the development of the Community Vision, Council Plan and other strategic plans.

To join the Community Reference Group, please read the terms of reference and fill in an expression of interest form on Council’s website: www.loddon.vic.gov.au/Our-Council/Community-Engagement/The-Loddon-Project

Completed forms can be emailed to loddon@loddon.vic.gov.au

The Loddon Project is a group of three projects designed to engage our community in the development of three key documents for the Shire, including the 2030 Community Vision. This Community Vision is a statement of our Loddon Shire communities’ goals and aspirations for the future.

More information about The Loddon Project is also available from the link mentioned above.

COVID-19 business survey closes 18 September

I’d just like to remind our business community that the COVID-19 business survey closes this Friday 18 September.

Council is asking local businesses in all sectors to complete the short 15-minute survey to help assess the impacts of COVID-19 on businesses in the Shire and to create a support plan.

Information from the survey will allow Council to identify challenges and priority areas on where attention can be focused. It will also be used to advocate to government and other agencies for support initiatives, where possible.

To complete the survey go to www.surveymonkey.com/r/XQQCJ5R

Community Sport Sector COVID-19 Survival Package grants

Applications are now open for the second round of grants under the State Government’s Community Sport Sector COVID-19 Survival Package.

The grants help organisations operate safely, support their members and athletes, and assist with the development of plans to return to play.

Grants of up to $2,000 are available for associations and leagues and grants of up to $1,000 are available for individual clubs and community sporting and active recreation organisations.

Applications close 16 October 2020.

For more information visit www.sport.vic.gov.au/grants-and-funding


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