Loddon Shire Mayoral Column 6 April 2020

Published on 06 April 2020


Loddon Shire COVID-19 updates

As we move into Stage 3 restrictions, I can’t emphasise enough how important it is that everyone stays at home unless absolutely necessary. This is essential to reduce the risk of infection from COVID-19 and also to slow the spread of the virus.

This means working or studying from home, only going out to purchase essential items or for vital medical appointments. We all need to do our part to help keep Loddon Shire as free from coronavirus as possible, and in so doing, protect our family and friends.

People are still encouraged to exercise; going for a walk is allowed, but social distancing needs to be maintained. No more than two people are permitted to gather in public, unless they are members of your own household. Parks, playgrounds, outdoor gyms and skate parks are also now closed.

Even though we have to maintain our physical distance, we should make sure that we remain connected as a community. There are many ways to do this including phone calls, social media and email. Check in with vulnerable members of our society to ensure they are not suffering from isolation and have access to food and medication.

The Federal Government has announced that evictions will be put on hold for 6 months. Landlords and renters are encouraged to talk about short term agreements for commercial and residential tenants facing financial hardships. Consumer Affairs Victoria has a specific webpage for inquiries https://www.consumer.vic.gov.au/resources-and-tools/advice-in-a-disaster/coronavirus-covid19-and-your-rights#renting.

With more people staying at home to reduce the community spread of COVID-19, there may be an increased risk of people experiencing family violence. Services are still operating to help people in family violence situations, including crisis accommodation. Call 000 in an emergency or safe steps 24/7 crisis service on 1800 015 188.

Council is committed to ensuring the delivery of essential services and has a dedicated page with all of the latest updates and links, including links to Government announcements: https://www.loddon.vic.gov.au/covid-19.

Community care services such as meals on wheels, home-based care and Maternal Child Health services are running with modifications to protect clients and staff. Kerbside waste collection and waste and recycling centres are operating as normal.

Many businesses in the Loddon Shire have been affected by forced closures and restrictions. I applaud those businesses that have been so flexible in adapting to these difficult times and have found innovative ways to still meet the needs of their customers while complying with Government regulations. For information for business, please visit the Business Victoria website: https://www.business.vic.gov.au/ or call the hotline on 13 22 15.

Cafes, general stores, takeaway shops and pubs have modified their trading to accommodate restrictions and public safety. Now, more than ever we need to support our local businesses that are fighting to survive. For a full list, click through to the Visit Loddon Valley website https://www.bendigoregion.com.au/visit-loddon-valley/blogs/loddon-valley-take-away-food-and-closures.

One of the best ways to stay informed about what is happening in the Loddon Shire and to see important Council updates is by following our Facebook page. The page is updated daily and is a useful source of information for alerts, notices, news and job vacancies. Make sure you ‘like’ the page to receive updates in your newsfeed https://www.facebook.com/LoddonShire/

Support from the Victorian Governor

On behalf of the Hon Linda Dessau, Governor of Victoria, I would like to pass on a message of support to the people of Victoria. In the wake of the Victorian bushfires and now COVID-19, the Governor acknowledges the far-reaching effect of our current health challenge. She urges us to support each other as our opportunities for social interaction are diminished.

“I encourage you to check on family, neighbours, the elderly, workmates and anyone who might be alone or doing it tough. Physical distance need not mean social isolation. Let’s keep working on creative ways to keep in touch with each other.”

“My husband, Tony, joins me in these thoughts and in particular in expressing our gratitude to the many Victorians working on the front line – not only our medical and emergency workers but all those working to care for the vulnerable, to look after our children, to keep essential services running and to respond to this unfolding situation.”

You can read the full message on our Facebook page or in the ‘News’ section of our website. If you would prefer to listen, you can hear the message read on the Wedderburn Visitor Radio station http://wedderburnradio.com.au/

Sustainable Communities – Tidy Town Awards

Sustainable communities are socially strong, constantly taking action and planning ahead. The Sustainable Communities – Tidy Town Awards for 2020 seeks to reward community groups, educational institutions, businesses and councils across rural and regional Victoria who have made a major contribution to building the wellbeing and resilience of their communities.

The Tidy Towns Awards look to recognise initiatives that have helped to inspire or empower a community, have found ways to reduce waste in a neighbourhood or town, or have protected or restored the natural environment. It could be a project that is engaging young people in the community or playing a vital role in combatting loneliness or isolation.

The categories for this year’s Sustainable Communities – Tidy Town Awards include: Education, Energy, Litter, Waste, Environment, Indigenous Culture, Heritage and Culture, Community, Social Wellbeing and Young Legends.

To nominate, visit https://awardsonline.net.au/2020/tidytowns/, entries close on 1 May 2020.

Meanwhile, here in the Loddon Shire, there is a lot we can all still do while remaining at home, such as cleaning up around our own properties and in our street. Perhaps this is an opportunity to engage young residents who find themselves with time on their hands. All steps we take will help improve the appearance of our neighbourhoods and enhance our community spirit.

Agriculture Energy Investment Plan

Agriculture Victoria offers free on-farm energy assessments and grants as part of implementing the Agriculture Energy Investment Plan. The plan supports on-farm businesses to improve energy efficiency, manage energy cost, improve energy reliability and support own-generation capacity.

To be eligible for an on-farm energy grant, a free on-farm energy assessment is required. The on-farm energy assessment will provide recommendations on how to improve the energy efficiency and productivity of your farm business. In light of current events, the program has been extended until 30 June 2020. To find out more visit www.agriculture.vic.gov.au/agenergy.

Appin South bridge works

Works have begun on replacing the Appin South bridge with a new dual-lane structure. The bridge, located along Appin South Road, spanning the Loddon River, will be closed for approximately 14 weeks to enable the works to occur.

Motorists are advised to find alternative routes whilst the replacement works are occurring, with bridges that span the Loddon River located on Canary Island-Leaghur Road, Hewitt Road, Old Kerang Road and Wood Lane.

The $1.179 million Appin South Bridge replacement program is supported by $589,500 from the Federal Government’s Bridges Renewal Program and a $393,000 contribution from Regional Roads Victoria’s Fixing Country Roads program.


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