Loddon Shire Mayoral Column 5 July
Published on 05 July 2022
Key financial documents adopted
At its June Council Meeting last week (28 June), Council adopted key financial documents, including the 2022/23 budget, Fees and Charges Schedule, and the 2022/23 to 2031/32 Financial Plan.
The 2022/23 Budget includes a rate increase of 1.75 per cent – in line with the Victorian Government’s Fair Go Rates System. There is a capital expenditure program of $7.34 million, which includes $3.4 million towards roads, $350,000 for urban and road drainage, and $426,000 for footpaths.
The budget or financial plan is available on Council's website as well as the Fees and Charges Schedule.
Copies are also available for inspection at Council’s Wedderburn office during business hours.
Annual Infrastructure Program
Additionally, Council adopted the Annual Infrastructure Program for 2022/23, which sets out priority projects over the coming financial year.
The $9.45 million program includes Council funding as well as Federal Government funding (Roads to Recovery and Local Roads and Community Infrastructure program).
The 2022/23 program includes $4.77 million towards a number of community projects, including an additional allocation for the completion of the Donaldson Park project and the Pyramid Hill Streetscape. There is also $1.07 million to reseal and final seal around 28 kilometres of the sealed road network; $969,632 to resheet and/or treat almost 21 kilometres of the gravel road network, and $448,044 to resheet around 24.5 kilometres (both sides) of gravel shoulders.
There is funding of $727,152 for the renewal of a section of Newbridge Road and renewal and widening of a section of the Echuca-Serpentine Road, $250,000 for Boort and Pyramid Hill flood mitigation projects, and $188,000 for the Coutts Street crossing project and installation of a pedestrian safety barrier at Lakeside Drive in Boort.
Draft Community Local Law
The June Council Meeting also saw Council approve putting the draft Community Local Law 2022 out for public comment for at least six weeks.
The draft Community Local Law follows a review of Council’s existing and expired local laws (in accordance with the Local Government Act 2020), and a much simplified and easier to understand local law is now proposed.
It covers a range of laws, including Council land, streets and roads, private property, animals and pets, waste and recycling, permits and fees, and enforcement.
More information about the draft Community Local Law, and to view a copy and submit a comment is available from Council's website.
A copy of the draft local law is available for inspection (or can be printed on request) at the Council offices, 41 High Street, Wedderburn during business hours. A copy can also be posted to you by calling Council’s Customer Service on (03) 5494 1200.
A number of drop-in sessions will also be held across the Shire in the coming weeks for community members to discuss the draft Community Local Law with Council officers. Keep an eye out for more information about these drop-in sessions in the coming week.
Other Council meeting outcomes
Last Tuesday’s Council meeting also saw a number of other items considered by Council. This included the adoption of the Asset Plan 2022, approval of the Child Safe Standards Framework and Child Safe Policy, and the Volunteer Strategy 2022-2026.
To view the minutes from the June Council Meeting visit Council's website.
Loddon Shire population grows
In some great news for our Shire, the latest Australian Bureau of Statistics Census release saw Loddon Shire’s population grow to 7,759 people, up from 7,516 people in 2016.
This is the first population increase we have seen in our Shire in decades, and it is fantastic to see that our communities are growing. It also further builds upon the strong future we have in our Shire and the positive sense of optimism we are seeing in our communities that our Shire is the place to work, live and thrive.
Mitiamo and Serpentine recreation reserves floodlighting
Council has welcomed funding of $200,000 from the Victorian Government’s Country Football and Netball Funding Program towards lighting upgrades at the Serpentine Recreation Reserve and Mitiamo Recreation Reserve.
Delivered through Sport and Recreation Victoria, the funding will contribute to the Floodlighting Upgrade Project, which will see the Serpentine and Mitiamo recreation reserves receive new fit-for-purpose light towers and sustainable LED floodlighting.
This funding, which is in addition to a contribution from the Federal Government through the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program, is crucial in helping deliver this project for our communities.
This week we acknowledge and celebrate NAIDOC Week, which runs from 3 to 10 July. This year’s theme is Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up!
NAIDOC Week is an opportunity for all Australians to learn about First Nations cultures and histories and celebrate the oldest, continuous living culture on earth.
For more information visit the NAIDOC Week website.
Philippines Independence Day celebrations in Pyramid Hill
It was a great honour to be part of the Philippines Independence Day celebrations in Pyramid Hill on Saturday (2 July).
Held at the Memorial Hall, the Commemoration of the 124th Independence Day of the Philippines was a wonderful celebration. The event included guest speakers, a fashion parade, dance presentations, dinner and a party afterwards.
I’d like to thank the United Filipino Organisation, including their President Marilyn Fernandez, and everyone involved in such a fantastic celebration.
Well wishes to Lynne Habner
Finally this week, I’d like to wish Council’s Manager Executive and Commercial Services Lynne Habner all the best as she finishes up with Council this week to relocate to South Australia.
Lynne, who has been at Council for 11 years, has been integral to managing the tourism and economic development of the Shire, as well as providing high-level support to Councillors (and the CEO).
Lynne’s exceptional support has been very much appreciated, and on behalf of the Councillors, I’d like to thank Lynne for her diligence and incredible service to not only Council, but her community.