Loddon Shire Mayoral Column

Published on 04 November 2019

Mayor wide crop

Grants for small-scale and craft producers

The Victorian Government has announced two grants aimed at encouraging growth in small-scale and artisan food producers. Development of small business and craft agribusiness will assist to create new jobs and attract more visitors from interstate and overseas to enjoy locally made food, beer and spirits.

There are two streams of funding available under the new program: the first provides grants of up to $25,000 for small-scale and craft business development, to support scale up, expansion and diversification of products. The second stream provides between $25,000 and $200,000 for significant projects that will deliver benefits to the community and generate jobs.

For more information including eligibility and application details, visit the Agriculture Victoria website: http://agriculture.vic.gov.au/agriculture/food-and-fibre-industries/artisanal-agriculture

Recycling: keep it up

While it may seem that recycling in Victoria is in crisis with tonnes of recycling being dumped in landfill, this is not the case in the Loddon Shire. Council's waste services contractor (Veolia) has confirmed it remains unaffected by the recycling industry issues brought on by processing plant closures in Melbourne recently, and it is ‘business as usual’.

Currently all recycling material collected within Loddon Shire is transported and processed in either Bendigo at Endeavour, owned by JJ Richards, or the Multi reuse facility (MRF) in Echuca, owned by Veolia. Once collected, Veolia or one of Veolia's sorting partners will use a number of technologies to pre-screen and manually separate the recyclables into viable streams that will enable their reuse in new manufacturing processes.

Council not only implements a best practice kerbside collection for waste and recycling but also provides local football/netball/hockey grounds with bins for recycling and garbage, including pick-up free of charge. Council also produces an annual Recycling Calendar to assist households. For a personalised bin collection calendar with optional reminders, download the Loddon Mallee Waste Info App which is available through the App Store or Google Play with the search ‘Loddon Mallee’.

In the last financial year we collected 619 tonnes of recycling from Council’s kerbside collection contract. In addition, 65 tonnes of comingled recycling was collected at Council landfills and transfer stations.

Mr Peter Tuohey to advise Agriculture Minister

We welcome the news that Mr Peter Tuohey has been appointed Victorian Rural Assistance Commissioner. Peter, who is a Pyramid Hill farmer and former VFF President, will advise the Minister on long-term drought support strategy and the effectiveness of current drought support packages by engaging directly with farmers and communities.

Statutory Meeting

I would like to invite members of the public and interested residents to the Statutory Meeting of the Loddon Shire Council which will be held at 7pm on Thursday 7 November, at the Pyramid Hill Bowling Club, 98 Victoria Street, Pyramid Hill.

The meeting deals with the presentation of the 2018/19 Mayoral Report, the election of the Mayor for 2019/20 and appointments to committees. A light supper and refreshments will be provided.


Tuesday 5 November is International Volunteer Managers Day (IVMDay). This day was founded in 1999 to recognise and celebrate the role of volunteer managers in supporting and mobilising the world’s volunteers.

Council values and relies heavily on the contribution of volunteers to extend our resources and funding. Professional leadership ensures an efficient use of people’s time, talents and efforts and is something to be recognised. Effective volunteer involvement also requires a strong organisational leadership and a culture that appreciates the roles of volunteers.

Remembrance Day

Monday 11 November is Remembrance Day and commemorates the day that the guns fell silent on the Western Front, bringing the First World War to an end. This is a time when we all pause and remember those who have died or suffered for Australia’s cause in all wars and armed conflicts.

All Australians are urged to observe one minute’s silence at 11am and reflect on the service and sacrifice of all our defence personnel and that of their families. Please check with your local school or RSL club to find out where Remembrance Day will be observed.

Did you know

The next free waste disposal day will be held on Saturday 16 November at Inglewood Transfer Station and Sunday 17 November at Wedderburn, Pyramid Hill, Dingee, Boort and Newbridge. 

You may dispose of up to four cubic metres of general domestic waste free of charge. This includes green waste, mixed recyclables, general household waste, E-waste such as television and computer screens, home appliances and electronic items, refrigerators, freezers, microwaves and air conditioners. You may also dispose of battery operated products that have reached their end of life. 

Charges still apply for tyres, bricks and concrete, and mattresses, as these items have additional third party costs associated with their disposal. Our website has all the details, including a downloadable A5 poster with times and dates: https://www.loddon.vic.gov.au/For-residents/Your-home/Garbage-and-recycling/Free-waste-disposal


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