Loddon Shire Mayoral Column 30 November

Published on 30 November 2021

Mayor-Dan Straub

Annual Plan 2021-2025

At last week’s Ordinary Meeting for November, Council approved, adopted or noted a number of items – including the Annual Plan 2021-2025.

The Annual Plan sits under the Community Vision 2031 and Council Plan 2021-2025, both of which were adopted at last month’s Council Meeting. It details the specific actions Council will deliver in its commitment to the Community’s Vision of: Creating a community where everyone is welcome and has the opportunity to live, work and thrive. This is together with Council’s vision of: Loddon will be a resilient, sustainable and prosperous community of communities.

The Annual Plan is essentially an annual report card to gauge whether Council has carried out its intended actions, and if not, assign a new timeframe.

The Annual Plan will be reviewed at the end of each financial year to ensure actions have been completed and to monitor any other actions that may have come up due to changing circumstances or funding opportunities.

The Community Vision 2031 and Council Plan 2021-2025 is available from Council's website

Footpath Asset Management Plan

Council has adopted the Footpath Asset Management Plan 2021, which outlines the key elements involved in managing Council’s footpaths, both sealed and unsealed.

The plan includes actions for improvements in managing the footpath network, including better understanding our community’s expectations through engagement, but also communicating what is achievable with existing funding. Other actions include developing a pedestrian access strategy to provide an overall view of the preferred footpath network in towns, and reviewing modelling of long term financial forecasts on a two-yearly basis.

The Footpath Asset Management Plan is available from Council’s website.

Pyramid Hill Streetscapes Revitalisation Project – preliminary designs endorsed

The November meeting also saw Council endorse preliminary designs for the Pyramid Hill Streetscapes Revitalisation Project.

These preliminary designs form the basis of the detailed design and tender documents.

The designs are in the final stage of completion with the Request for Tender release expected to happen next month, with the awarding of contract and start of construction anticipated to occur in February next year.

The project focuses on the civic centre of Kelly Street, Ottrey Street, Victoria Street and to a lesser extent Barber Street. Kelly Street and the east west linkage of the Senior Citizens Centre through Kelly Park to Lions Park, west of Kelly Street, is the central focus of the plans.

It’s fantastic to see the endorsement of these preliminary designs, which is another step towards this project, which will further make Pyramid Hill a great place to live, work and visit.

The project will complement works already completed to Pyramid Hill’s main streets, including new footpaths, paving along Kelly Street, Kelly Park play space upgrade, and footpath to the train station lined with solar bollards.

The project has been made possible via funding of $800,000 from the Victorian Government as well as a $610,000 contribution from Council.  

Other outcomes from the meeting

Further outcomes from the November meeting include:

  • Council resolved to support an application for Round 2 of the Sport and Recreation Victoria Country Football and Netball Program, to install floodlighting at Serpentine and Mitiamo Recreation Reserves.
  • Council received and noted the mid-term review report on the Economic Development and Tourism Strategy 2019-2024

Council also noted a number of quarterly reports. These included the Annual Infrastructure Program 2021-2022, Road Management Plan Defect Rectification Compliance, Local Laws and Planning Compliance Activity, Strategic Planning Activity, Public Health Activity, Building Services Activity and Statutory Planning Permit Activity.

To view all items from the November Council Meeting, including the Meeting Minutes, visit Council's website 

Pool lifeguards urgently needed

A shortage of lifeguards across the country is having an impact locally on pools in Loddon Shire.

This shortage has meant that unfortunately, Pyramid Hill, Wedderburn, Boort, Mitiamo and Inglewood pools are currently operating with reduced hours through to 18 December.

While it is not ideal, Belgravia Leisure, who manages Council’s pools, has made the decision based on the safety of pool users.

Belgravia Leisure is urgently recruiting for more lifeguards to ensure the pools can get back to regular operating hours.

If you or someone you know is looking for some summer work, please head to the Belgravia Leisure website to find out more.

Raising the Roof feeding and housing systems event

Registrations are now open for the two-day intensive feeding and housing systems event Raising the Roof to be held 1 and 2 February 2022 at Radcliffe’s in Echuca.

This free event will feature industry experts regarding planning, investing and operating feeding and housing infrastructure. It will help inform investment decisions and will include presentations highlighting new industry resources, as well as an up-close experience of feeding and housing infrastructure.  

To find out more and book your spot, visit the event website.

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