Loddon Shire Mayoral Column 30 March 2020
Published on 30 March 2020
Council updates
As the impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to evolve, Loddon Shire is constantly reviewing operations to ensure the safety of staff, councillors, contractors, volunteers and the community.
Our priorities are ensuring the provision of essential services, doing our best to help slow down the spread of the disease and making sure that the vulnerable in our community have access to the help they need.
Council has a dedicated page with all of the latest updates and links, not only for Council services by also Government announcements: https://www.loddon.vic.gov.au/News-and-public-notices/News-articles/Coronavirus-in-the-Loddon-Shire.
In order to slow down the spread of the virus and to protect those people most at risk of illness, I urge people to follow the Government recommendations to stay at home unless absolutely necessary, only travelling for work or to purchase vital supplies.
I acknowledge this is a very difficult time, with the temporary loss of regular routines, incomes and leisure activities causing a great deal of stress for everybody. Recent restrictions on unnecessary travel will add an extra layer of tension as people are unable to enjoy a longed-for break.
To stay safe, we need to not only take care of our physical health but our mental health as well. For a list of tips and resources, visit Council’s Health and Wellbeing web page: https://www.loddon.vic.gov.au/For-residents/Health-and-wellbeing/COVID-19.
In addition, the Victorian Government has announced a series of initiatives aimed at helping both small and large businesses deal with the significant challenges posed by COVID-19, whether from a downturn in trade, cancellation of events or other restrictions affecting employees and entitlements.
Businesses across the state can now access information on dealing with COVID-19 by calling the Business Victoria hotline on 13 22 15 or visiting the website at https://www.business.vic.gov.au/
2020 Sally Isaac Memorial Scholarship
In more positive news, nominations are now open for the 2020 Sally Isaac Memorial Scholarship Fund Award. This scholarship recognises a significant contribution to the Victorian community by a young woman, 35 years and under. Nominations are open to Local Government officers, Councillors and community members.
Nominees will have demonstrated achievement and commitment to improving community life in Victoria in the areas of social justice, Aboriginal affairs, arts and music, community health, urban planning, environment and culturally and linguistically diverse communities.
The winner will receive a $10,000 educational scholarship for research or study in Australia or overseas. Nominations close on 4 May and the winner will be announced in July. For more information go to https://bit.ly/2Wmh5cj.
NBN waives additional charges
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, NBN Co has announced that it will waive charges for additional capacity of up to 40 per cent to Retail Service Providers for at least three months to help support Australian residential and business nbn customers. The additional capacity pricing relief will apply to all fixed line, fixed wireless and satellite nbn technologies.
This announcement will be welcome news to the many Australians now preparing to work from home as the wholesale network prepares to meet the demand. For more information go to https://bit.ly/3dou7w7.
Congratulations to the Committee of Management of the Boort Memorial Hall. This venue was recently named as a finalist in the 2020 Brides Choice Awards – Bendigo and Ballarat. The Brides Choice Awards is dedicated to recognising, supporting and rewarding Wedding Businesses that operate in regional areas of Australia.
Croquet tournament
Boort Lakeside Croquet Club recently hosted a successful tournament over the weekend of 14 and 15 March. Participating players represented fifteen clubs from Victoria and southern New South Wales and all had an enjoyable weekend in Boort.
Loddon Shire was pleased to be associated with this event which provides a welcome boost to accommodation and hospitality facilities in Boort. I hear that bookings have already been received in anticipation of the 2021 event.
Termination of fire restrictions
From 23 March, the CFA has lifted fire restrictions in District 20 which encompasses Loddon, Campaspe and Gannawarra Shires.
Citizenship ceremony
Although the Council meeting was adjourned last week, I still had the privilege of officiating at a Citizenship Ceremony on Tuesday 24 March. Phanthila Maiyavong, who was originally from Thailand, has made Boort her home. In response to the arrangements for COVID-19, Phanthila made the pledge outdoors at Serpentine.
Did you know
Council is proactively working with staff to reduce risk, based on workplace arrangements including; promoting social distancing, supporting the cancellation of non-essential gatherings, training and face to face meetings and making provision for staff to use flexible arrangements and work from home if possible.
This will all help to ensure that Council continues to provide essential services to minimise potential public health risks as outlined by the Victorian Chief Health Officer. These critical services include: immunisation programs, Maternal and Child Health centres, kindergartens, addressing enquiries and complaints made by businesses and the general public, investigations/inspections relating to foodborne or infectious disease outbreaks, general support/advice to regulated businesses and rubbish and recycling collection.