Loddon Shire Mayoral Column 3 May

Published on 03 May 2022

Mayor-Dan Straub

Draft annual budget and draft financial plan out for comment

At its meeting last week, Council resolved to advertise Loddon Shire Council’s draft 2022/23 Budget (which includes the draft Fees and Charges Schedule) and the draft 2022/23 to 2031/32 Financial Plan, for public comment.

The draft Budget includes a rate increase of 1.75 per cent – in line with the Victorian Government’s Fair Go Rates System. Council remains debt-free, with no loan repayments, and a continued strong cash position.

There is a capital expenditure program of $7.34 million, which includes $3.4 million towards roads, $350,000 for urban and road drainage, and $426,000 for footpaths.

Additionally, there is a $400,000 allocation for works associated with the Building Asset Management Plan and full funding of Council’s ongoing commitment to community planning of $750,000.

You can view copies of the documents on Council’s website.

Copies are also available for inspection at Council’s Wedderburn office during business hours or can be posted out on request by calling Council’s Customer Service on (03) 5494 1200.

Feedback for the draft Budget, Fees and Charges Schedule and draft Financial Plan is open until Friday 27 May 2022.

Council will meet to consider any feedback to the draft Budget, Fees and Charges Schedule and Financial Plan at the Council Forum on Tuesday 14 June 2022. It will then consider adoption of these documents at the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Tuesday 28 June 2022.

Draft Asset Plan 2022 feedback sought

At its meeting, Council also resolved to seek community feedback on the draft Asset Plan 2022, which guides how Council manages assets such as roads, buildings, bridges, footpaths and drainage.

The draft Asset Plan 2022 provides an overview of Council assets, their current condition, and how Council plans to manage them now and into the future.

The draft Asset Plan 2022 is available from Council’s website.

The community is invited to provide feedback on the draft plan by making a written submission by 5.00pm on Tuesday 17 May.

You can forward your written submission titled Asset Plan 2022 to the Manager Assets and Infrastructure, Loddon Shire Council, PO Box 21, Wedderburn VIC 3518, or email loddon@loddon.vic.gov.au

Please outline what you like about the plan and what you would like to see improved.

Birchip Cropping Group Young Farmer Network

At its April meeting, Council also resolved to participate in the Birchip Cropping Group Young Farmer Network.

Birchip Cropping Group is a not-for-profit agricultural organisation led by farmers from the Wimmera, Mallee and North Central regions of Victoria with an aim to improve the prosperity of farmers and agricultural communities through farmer-driven activities.

The Young Farmer Network program provides opportunities for young famers aged under 35 years to learn together, create and strengthen professional networks as well as build social fabric within rural communities.

The program will enable young farmers in our community to gain the skills, knowledge and experience to increase farm profitability and productivity. This is expected to provide flow-on benefits to our broader Loddon Shire economy.

Other Council meeting outcomes

Other outcomes from last week’s Council meeting include:

  • Council resolved to issue a Notice of Decision to Refuse the planning permit application for the use and development of land for a wild game pet meat processing facility in Inglewood.
  • Council endorsed the extension of the Aboriginal Community Partnership Plan 2019-21 for a period of 12 months, and approved the proposed 2022 Action Plan.
  • Council noted the finalisation of the Boort Scarred Trees Masterplan.

For more detail regarding these items, and other items from the April Council meeting, visit Council's website.

Pyramid Hill Neighbourhood House Volunteer Expo success

I’d like to congratulate Pyramid Hill Neighbourhood House on their very successful Volunteer Expo last Friday (29 April).

Unfortunately I was unable to be at the expo, but from what I’ve heard the expo was a fantastic event, with a large variety of stalls featuring local volunteer groups.

In addition to showcasing local volunteers and the hugely important work they carry out within our local communities, the expo was a chance to encourage community members to consider joining a volunteer group.

Boort annual night game

I’d also like to congratulate the Boort Football Netball Hockey Club on their annual night game held on Saturday (30 April) at Boort Park.

I’ve been told there was a big crowd in attendance, with many people coming along to support local sport and this annual night event, which is fantastic to hear. 

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