Loddon Shire Mayoral Column

Published on 29 June 2020



State of Emergency extended

As a result of an increase in the number of new cases of coronavirus, the Victorian Government has extended the State of Emergency until 19 July 2020. This move is to limit the number of people moving around the state and to help protect those who must travel to work. 

There are simple guidelines to follow: if you do need to see people, keep your distance, no handshakes and no hugs. Maintain good hygiene. Don’t share food or drinks. Avoid crowds. And if you’re unwell – stay home.

People are being asked to continue to work from home if they can. The work from home rule will stay in place at least until the end of July. The increase of gathering limits in businesses and community facilities has been delayed. 

I urge you to keep doing the right thing; these measures are designed to slow the spread of the virus and to keep us safe. 

More time for funding boost

As mentioned in a previous column, local community sporting clubs and associations are able to apply for grants aimed at supporting community infrastructure projects, creating jobs and supporting local businesses. 

The cut-off for applications for $1,000 grants for clubs and up to $15,000 for associations and leagues has been extended until 30 June 2020. 

Since the start of coronavirus restrictions, the community sport and active recreation sector has suffered significant revenue losses. The grants are aimed at helping clubs, sporting bodies and associations as they return to training and competition. 

A number of clubs and associations across Loddon Shire have already successfully applied for funding while others still have the opportunity to share in this funding boost. For further information and details on how to apply, visit https://sport.vic.gov.au/grants-and-funding/our-grants/community-sport-sector-coronavirus-covid-19-short-term-survival-package.

Local jobs blitz

Locals are being encouraged to apply for new jobs at Loddon Shire Council under the Victorian Government’s initiative to support people and businesses impacted by the Coronavirus. 

Thanks to State Government funding, Council will offer more than 30 jobs on six-month terms across the organisation; including both indoor and outdoor positions. 

Council has begun listing positions and anyone interested should visit the website and register to apply: www.vic.gov.au/workingforvictoria. 

The positions are: Community Recovery Coordinator, Business and Economic Recovery Coordinator, Media Officer, Human Resource Officer, Administration Officer – Development and Compliance, Waste Water Project Officers (2 positions), Weed Spraying Crew (4 positions), Kindergarten Transition Coordinator, Program Support Officers (2 positions), Community Care Service Redesign Coordinators (2 positions), Project Management Officers (3 positions), Local Laws Officer, Building Surveyor, Building Inspector, Rural Access Officer, IT Technical Officer, Relief and Recovery Officers (2 positions) and Community Mental Health Liaison Officer. 

Potential applicants must be legally allowed to work in Australia and must register with the Working for Victoria partner ‘Sidekicker’ to participate in the initiative. 

Online resources for business

As mentioned in a Mayoral Column in May, Loddon Shire Council was pleased to be involved in the Regional Growth Summit; an online event designed to help regional businesses make the most of digital technology to grow their businesses.

Loddon businesses can access the resources for no cost using the licence that Council has purchased. Once registered, you can visit as often as you like to watch and use the videos, slides and resources from the summit.

The sessions include such topics as: tips on surviving and thriving in a difficult market, using technology to save money, building eCommerce business, using digital tools as well as many stories of innovation and inspiration.

The summit is set up so that you can work through from start to finish, or you can just pick the sessions that interest you in bite-sized visits. You can also return to the same session and watch again as often as you want.

To get started, visit the website https://www.marketingentourage.online/courses/regional-growth-virtual-summit-may-2020 and click on the button ‘Access the summit for $20’. Simply register and, instead of entering payment details, just use the code: LoddonRGSPass.

Gas home safety

We’re all staying home a lot more than usual this winter. If you use a gas heater, Energy Safe Victoria wants to be sure that carbon monoxide is not spilling into your home. Whether you rent, own or lease your house, you should service your gas heater regularly to be sure you’re safe from carbon monoxide.

To be safe with gas heaters this winter, never bring outdoor gas heaters inside your home, don’t leave heaters on overnight and avoid using fans in your kitchen and bathroom when the gas heater is on.

If your heater is open flue, let some fresh air flow through the room when your heater is on. If the flame in your heater changes colour, turn your heater off and call a qualified gasfitter to check it. Your heater could be faulty and unsafe. Despite restrictions, gasfitters are still working and servicing heaters to keep you safe from harm at home. Learn more at esv.vic.gov.au.

Prickly topic

An innovative and eco-friendly agribusiness in Loddon is Chiron Organic Health which uses locally grown olives, herbs and prickly pear Indian fig, to create a range of pure organic products for cleansing and nutrition.

The ingredients are grown at the farm in Wedderburn, with all parts of the plants used, including olives, St John’s Wort and Indian fig. Chiron’s signature products use the fruit, flowers, seeds and pads of the cactus, making the most of the versatility and amazing health benefits of this plant.

Unlike other, more invasive varieties of prickly pear, Chiron Organic uses the Opuntia ficus-indica (Indian fig) which is slow-growing and easily removed. It is a recognised agricultural product and is not prohibited. The seeds may be spread by bird droppings but do not spread on the breeze. The Indian fig may be eaten by livestock, uses water efficiently and also prevents soil erosion.

The importance of the Indian fig cactus in nutrition and skincare has attracted world-wide attention and business owner, Dr Natalie Alexopoulos, is currently collaborating with the University of Canberra to study the nutritional benefits of Opuntia ficus-indica.

The products are available from the online Facebook store, from the website www.chironorganic.com.au and from farmers’ markets.

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