Loddon Shire Mayoral Column 24 May

Published on 24 May 2022

Mayor-Dan Straub

Loddon Shire volunteer workshops

Council is holding a series of volunteer workshops for new volunteers and volunteers interested in refreshing their skills and knowledge. These workshops have been developed based on the feedback received at recent volunteer focus groups.

The first workshop Engaging Young Volunteers, will be held next Tuesday 31 May from 6.30pm to 8pm at the Inglewood Town Hall Hub.

The next workshop, Understanding Committee Governance, Roles and Responsibilities will be held on Wednesday 1 June from 6.30pm to 8pm at the Boort Resource and Information Centre.

The final workshop, Making Meetings Successful will be held on Tuesday 14 June from 6.30pm to 8pm at Wedderburn Community House.

If you would like to know more about the workshops or register your attendance, please contact Lisa McCoy on 0428 644 070 or email lisa@locallogicplace.com.au

Changed Forever: Legacies of Conflict exhibition launch

I’d like to congratulate everyone involved in the fantastic launch of the Changed Forever: Legacies of Conflict exhibition at the Pyramid Hill Memorial Hall last Friday (20 May).

This Shrine of Remembrance exhibition at Pyramid Hill has been made possible thanks to a number of community organisations and individuals who helped support bringing the exhibition to Pyramid Hill, as well as the launch.

This includes the Pyramid Hill Progress Association, Pyramid Hill Memorial Hall Committee (both of which organised the exhibition and events), Pyramid Hill Neighbourhood House, Pyramid Hill College and Pyramid Hill Opportunity Shop.

The launch event, which included a Smoking Ceremony by Hack Webster, saw a great crowd in attendance. It included Member for Murray Plains Peter Walsh, Shrine of Remembrance Chief Executive Officer Dean Lee and local returned veteran Adam Caspani – who emceed on the night and delivered a speech.

I’d also like to thank all those behind the scenes who helped cater for the event (as well as serve and clean up). This includes the local Filipino community, the Pyramid Hill Memorial Hall Committee, and students from Pyramid Hill College who helped with the food preparation. There were also a number of other volunteers who assisted in the preparation, serving and clean up on the night.

Changed Forever: Legacies of Conflict exhibition will be at the Pyramid Hill Memorial Hall until Sunday 26 June.

Loddon Visitor Information Centre celebrates Volunteer Week

It was an honour last week to be involved in National Volunteer Week celebrations at the Loddon Visitor Information Centre.

These celebrations included handing out Certificates of Appreciation to Visitor Information Centre volunteers, before they headed off on a familiarisation tour.

As I have mentioned before, the contribution of volunteers across the Loddon Shire is valuable and very much appreciated – including those who put in hours at the Visitor Information Centre to help promote our wonderful region and beyond.

More volunteers for the Loddon Visitor Information Centre are welcome and needed on Sundays and public holidays, and to assist at tourist stands at events where required.

If you would like to join an enthusiastic group of volunteers, please register your interest online or contact the Loddon Visitor Information Centre on 03 5494 1257.

Submit your event for the 2022-2023 Calendar of Events brochure

Council is currently finalising the 2022-2023 Calendar of Events brochure to help promote events taking place within the Loddon Shire from 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023.

Event organisers are urged to get in their event submissions before the brochure goes to print.

To make sure your event gets in the brochure, please submit your event no later than 5pm this Friday 27 May 2022.

You can submit your event via email to loddonvisitorinformation@loddon.vic.gov.au or complete the online form.

If you would like any further information please contact Loddon Visitor Information Centre on 03 5494 1257.

North Central LLEN AGM and 20-year celebration dinner

I’d like to take a moment this week to mention North Central Local Learning and Employment Network (North Central LLEN), who held their Annual General Meeting last Tuesday (17 May) at Inglewood.

The evening was also a celebration of 20 years of North Central LLEN – and saw a great influx of people to Inglewood for the night.

It’s fantastic to see North Central LLEN still going strong. The organisation carries out important work with children and young people (and their families) to create opportunities for them to actively participate in education, training, employment and the community.

Agriculture Victoria irrigation webinar sub-series

Agriculture Victoria is holding an irrigation webinar sub-series for irrigators and service providers interested in finding out more about key factors influencing water availability in the connected southern basin.

The sub-series consists of three webinars, with the first sub-series this Thursday 26 May.   

Participants will gain a better understanding of the factors that influence irrigation supplies in the connected southern basin and how irrigation availability in one region can impact on other regions.

Register for the webinars here.  

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