Loddon Shire Mayoral Column 22 June

Published on 22 June 2021

Mayor Neil Beattie.jpg

ALGA National General Assembly

With the easing of COVID-19 border restrictions for regional Victoria, I’ve been fortunate to be able to attend the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) National General Assembly in Canberra this week with my fellow Councillors Gavan Holt and Dan Straub. Cr Wendy Murphy is also attending the National General Assembly virtually.

The 27th ALGA National General Assembly, which is being held from 20 to 23 June, provides a platform for local government to address national issues and advocate to the Federal Government on critical issues facing the sector. It sees representatives from all 537 councils across Australia attend the event.

As well as an important opportunity to meet and discuss issues affecting councils with Mayors, Councillors and senior officers from across Australia, the assembly provides the chance to meet with political leaders and bring to their attention issues affecting our region.

A number of motions are also put to the National General Assembly and voted on by councils. COVID-19 response funding, management and recovery, as well as climate change, water security, renewable energy, bushfire management, and health and aged care, were some of themes of the motions raised at this year’s assembly.

Business Costs Assistance Program applications close this Thursday

A reminder that applications for the Business Costs Assistance Program Round Two close this Thursday 24 June at 11.59pm. 

The Business Costs Assistance Program assists small to medium businesses, including employing and non-employing businesses, most impacted by the recent restrictions in Victoria. The program provides $2500 grants for eligible businesses.

For more information and to apply, visit the Business Costs Assistance Program website.  

Go Local First

Following its success last year, the Go Local First campaign is back for 2021. 

As part of the response to the impacts of COVID-19 on the small business sector, the campaign encourages communities to back small businesses by buying goods or services from them either in person or online. The campaign also encourages small business owners to use other small businesses as suppliers.

When you shop locally, your money stays in the community. This helps keep local jobs and helps the local economy to thrive.

Another way to support our local businesses, employers and workers is to simply leave a positive review and like their social media pages. Sharing their messages can be a big help, especially for those businesses in smaller communities.

To find out more visit the Go Local First website

QR code check-in reminder

Although we have seen further easing of COVID-19 restrictions for regional Victoria, I’d like to remind residents that QR code check-in is mandatory for all businesses settings, for any duration of a visit. 

This includes Council offices, Council landfill and transfer stations, and Loddon Visitor Information Centre.

More information regarding QR code check-in, including downloading and using the Service Victoria app is available via the website.

A step-by-step guide for business registration with the QR Code Service is available here

Please note, that failure to comply with Victoria’s record keeping requirements can result in an on-the-spot fine of $1,652.

Premier’s Sustainability Awards now open

The 2021 Premier's Sustainability Awards are now open for entries. The awards recognise and celebrate Victorians who are leading the way to a sustainable future. 

This year the award categories have been revamped to reflect the current focus of sustainability activity in Victoria and align with global best practice.

The categories are: Clean, affordable and secure energy; Climate action; Healthy environment; Social and economic justice; Sustainable places; and Waste reduction and the circular economy.

Entries for the 2021 Premier's Sustainability Awards close Friday 30 July.

For more information visit the Premier's Sustainability Awards website

Council meeting this Thursday

Due to the ALGA National General Assembly this week, Council’s June meeting has been shifted to this Thursday 24 June. 

The meeting will start at 3pm in the Loddon Shire Council Chambers, located behind the Wedderburn Council Office, off Peters Street.

The Council meeting will be available via audio live stream, allowing you to hear proceedings via the Internet without the need to attend Council meetings. This gives greater access to Council decisions and debate, and eliminates geographic barriers preventing the public from attending meetings.

To view the June Council Meeting agenda visit Council's website

You can listen to the Council meeting live via Council’s Facebook page.


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