Loddon Shire Mayoral Column 22 February

Published on 22 February 2022

Mayor-Dan Straub

Jobs Victoria Advocates coming to Loddon Shire

Jobs Victoria Advocates will be visiting Loddon Shire in March to help provide information and support for community members looking for work, to study or upskill.

Partnering with Services Australia, the Jobs Victoria Advocates can help you connect to local skills and training opportunities, help you apply for jobs in your local area, and offer support if you are looking to change jobs.

The Jobs Victoria Advocates can also refer you to a local Jobs Victoria Partner who can help you update your resume, prepare for jobs interviews and connect you with local employers.

The Jobs Victoria Advocates will be co-located with the Services Australia mobile bus on the following dates:

  • Pyramid Hill (near the Neighbourhood House in Kelly Street) on Wednesday 2 March, from 9.30am to 4pm.
  • Bridgewater (at the Mobile Library site, Lyndhurst Street) on Thursday 3 March from 9am to 3pm.
  • Boort (opposite the Information Centre in Godfrey Street) on Tuesday 8 March from 10am to 4pm.
  • Wedderburn (near Soldiers Memorial Park, Chapel Street) on Tuesday 15 March from 9.30am to 4pm.

For more information please email jvap@Bendigo.vic.gov.au

Boort Scarred Trees Masterplan – next online workshop

Members of the public are invited to attend a 60-minute online workshop next Thursday 3 March from 1pm to 2pm to view the developed concept design for the Boort Scarred Trees Masterplan.

This is the next stage in consultation for the Masterplan, before the entire draft Masterplan is put out for public comment, at a date to be advised.

To join the online meeting head to https://bit.ly/3oTFPGu 

The Masterplan is being developed by Aspect Studios, one of Australia’s leading landscape architects.

Questions regarding the project can be sent to loddonvisitorinformation@loddon.vic.gov.au

Startup Central Victoria technology meetup and workshop

Startup Central Victoria will be hosting an Emerging Tech Platforms meetup as well as a workshop titled Technology Issues for Early Stage Founders in March.

The free Emerging Tech Platforms online meetup will take place from 2pm to 3.15pm on Tuesday 8 March 2022.

The meetup will include Futurist and co presenter of The Rebound Steve Sammartino in conversation with Bendigo’s Stef Cola from Clear Dynamics and Marcus Turnbull from Turncode Productions, about the emerging tech platforms that should be paid attention to. 

To register go to www.eventbrite.com.au/e/emerging-tech-platforms-tickets-271859618437 

The Technology Issues for Early Stage Founders workshop will take place from 6pm to 8pm on Wednesday 16 March 2022.

The free workshop will feature experienced tech developers from uSpark, Maurice Pizzo and Anthony Walker, who will highlight the types of technology problems often experienced by early stage founders and how to solve them. 

To register visit www.eventbrite.com.au/e/technology-issues-for-early-stage-founders-tickets-269936235547

Hard waste collection

Council will be conducting its annual kerbside hard waste collection of metals, e-waste, furniture and white goods during March 2022 to coincide with Clean Up Australia Day on the first Sunday in March.

The hard waste collection will be conducted within the township boundaries of Boort, Borung, Bridgewater, Dingee, Eddington, Inglewood, Korong Vale, Laanecoorie, Mitiamo, Newbridge, Pyramid Hill, Serpentine, Tarnagulla, Wedderburn and Wychitella.

Residents in these townships may place items up to a total of one cubic metre out on the nature strip on Sunday 6 March 2022 (not before or after).

Council staff will collect these items starting Monday 7 March 2022.

Items are to be sorted into piles, i.e. metal items, furniture, recyclable items, e-waste and white goods. Total volume is not to exceed one cubic metre in size. Excessive or unsorted piles will not be collected.

Please note that general waste, perishables, tyres, oils, batteries, paints and chemicals, car parts and mattresses will not be picked up. Any unsuitable items left behind after collections are to be removed from the nature strip immediately.

Localities or townships not listed above will not be visited by the hard waste collection.

Residents in other areas are reminded that Council still provides quarterly fee free waste disposal each year. This allows residents to dispose of up to four cubic metres per voucher of general domestic waste free of charge at each of our landfill and transfer stations.

For more information visit: www.loddon.vic.gov.au/For-residents/Your-home/Garbage-and-recycling/Hard-waste-collection 


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