Loddon Shire Mayoral Column

Published on 02 December 2019

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Loddon Murray Community Leadership Program

Some scholarships are still available for the Loddon Murray Community Leadership Program (LMCLP) in 2020. Potential participants who fit the criteria of LMCLP’s partners and program are urged to apply.

The available scholarships include: a resident of Indigenous heritage who is or who aims to become a community leader, a resident involved in environmental activity or sustainable agriculture, a resident who is a rural woman connected to agriculture or the agricultural supply chain, or a dairy farmer or residents involved in the dairy industry.

I encourage anyone who wants to be more effective in their community to apply. Contact LMCLP Program Manager, Jude Hannah via jude@leadlm.org.au or on 0499 171 663 or visit the website www.leadlm.org.au/lmclp/.

Dry seasonal conditions support

The Victorian Government provides a range of assistance to support farming families, communities and small businesses in the Goulburn Murray Irrigation District to help them manage the impact of dry seasonal conditions.

The resources include information and links to financial and employment support, technical support, personal and family support and regional support. The website agriculture.vic.gov.au/agriculture/farm-management/drought/dry-seasons-support is also updated regularly with information regarding grants and assistance as well as workshops across the region.

Murray-Darling Basin Economic Development Program

Round 2 of the Murray-Darling Basin Economic Development Program is now open for grant applications and closes on 20 January 2020. The program will provide up to $15 million to support 31 communities impacted by water recovery across the Murray-Darling Basin.

Projects to be funded under the program will address the impacts of Basin Plan water recovery by undertaking economic development activities for the benefit of eligible communities.

These projects will increase the capacity of local communities to diversify and strengthen local economies, enhance the resilience of these communities to economic challenges and changes and increase opportunities for employment within eligible communities.

The projects should be able to demonstrate community support and should be in line with any relevant local or regional economic development plans.

For further information on the program, including how to apply, visit the website www.communitygrants.gov.au/grants/murray-darling-round-2.

I would encourage incorporated community organisations in the Boort/Pyramid Hill Irrigation District to look at the guidelines to see if their projects are eligible. 

Local businesses celebrate good news

Congratulations to the team at Steel’s Butchers in Wedderburn for winning at the Australian Meat Industry Council awards last week. They came home with second place for ‘Ham off the Bone’ and third place for ‘Ham on the Bone’.

Boort Lakes Holiday Park officially launched a new enterprise recently when they became the new owners of Banyandah Retreat in Boort. The refurbished accommodation house will add another option to attract visitors to Boort.

Loddon Bulletin

The summer edition of the quarterly Loddon Bulletin will be arriving in letterboxes of Loddon Shire residents over the coming days. This colourful document is a great source of useful dates and contacts and will help keep you up to date with news, projects and events that affect your community.

This issue focuses on the Healthy Heart of Victoria initiative, upgrades to our swimming pools, and project updates. If you need a copy, you can pick one up from our offices or download a copy from our website www.loddon.vic.gov.au/News-and-public-notices/Loddon-Bulletins.

Boort Park kitchen

The kitchen refurbishment at the Boort Football, Netball and Hockey Canteen is well underway. The project includes covering all exposed brickwork, new serveries, benches, flooring and equipment and will ensure the kitchen facility is compliant with relevant legislation.

The project will complete the clubrooms renewal project and the $140,000 budget comprises $20,000 from the 2019-2020 Community Planning allocation, $109,000 from the Major Project Reserve budget and a $20,000 contribution from the Boort Park Canteen Committee (Boort Football, Netball and Hockey Clubs).

Did you know

In the last financial year, over 22,000 visits were made to our local swimming pools with the cost per visit averaging $25.95. The provision of outdoor swimming pools is an essential part of Council’s commitment to enhance the liveability of the Shire but they do cost money to maintain, improve and run.

The Swimming Pool Improvement Plan 2018-2022 looks at how we can encourage more people to use our local swimming pools, as they play a major role in promoting social connectedness among residents and encourage physical activity. Pools are also vital to giving our children the opportunity to cool off and learn to swim in a safe, controlled environment.

This commitment led to some major upgrades during the winter months with residents now enjoying the benefits of improved access, upgraded change rooms and the installation of solar heating.

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