Loddon Shire Mayoral Column 2 August

Published on 02 August 2022

Mayor-Dan Straub

Donaldson Park Community Hub contract awarded

At its meeting last week, Council awarded the contract for Stage 1 construction of the Donaldson Park Community Hub to Searle Brothers for $4.9 million.

Stage 1 of the Donaldson Park Community Hub project in Wedderburn will see the construction of a new multisport and community-focused pavilion. It will also include the construction of a carpark, solar installation with batteries, pavement works and landscaping.

Works are anticipated to begin next month and estimated to be completed October 2023 (subject to weather and supply of materials).

It’s fantastic to see the awarding of the contract for Stage 1 the Donaldson Park Community Hub, which is another crucial step towards the completion of this project.

Design is currently underway for Stage 2 of the project, which will be delivered as part of the overall project at a later date. This stage will include a new multi-faceted playspace for all abilities, landscaping and internal paths.

Donaldson Park is a key sport, recreation and community space for Wedderburn, and is home to the town’s football, netball, hockey and harness racing clubs.

The Donaldson Park Community Hub project has been made possible thanks to funding from the Commonwealth Government, Victorian Government, Donaldson Park Committee of Management, user groups, the community, Inglewood & Districts Community Enterprises Limited and Council.

Community grants funding

At its July meeting, Council approved an allocation of $31,529 in grants to Group 1 applications under the 2022/23 Loddon Shire Community Grants Scheme.

Five applicants received funding, including Boort Lakeside Croquet Club, Bridgewater on Loddon Development Committee, Arnold Cricket Club Inc., Wedderburn Historical Records Museum and Wedderburn Lions Club.

In a separate agenda item, Council approved an allocation of $6,611 for the Serpentine Bowling Club under the Community Grants Scheme. 

Since the scheme started in the 2000/01 financial year, Council has invested approximately $2.83 million, supporting over 700 community-based projects worth more than $5.61 million.

Community Planning Committees recognised

At its meeting last Tuesday, Council passed a recommendation to formally recognise

Bridgewater on Loddon Development Inc., Eddington Community Planning Group Inc., and Tarnagulla Community Planning Group Inc. as the Community Planning Committees for their respective communities.

Community Planning Committees carry out highly important work, driving the ambitions of their local communities – all on a voluntary basis.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all the volunteers behind these Community Planning Committees who do so much for their communities.

Agriculture Victoria foot-and-mouth disease webinar

Agriculture Victoria will host a webinar this Thursday 4 August for Victorian livestock producers and service providers regarding foot-and-mouth disease.

Presenters include Chief Veterinary Officer, Biosecurity Victoria Dr Graeme Cooke, Principal Veterinary Officer, Emergency Animal Disease Dr Megan Scott, and Senior Veterinary Officer, Animal Health and Welfare Dr Jeff Cave.  

Topics to be discussed will be: What is FMD and how is Agriculture Victoria preparing for an outbreak, What to expect on Day 1 of an outbreak and what is a livestock standstill, and what actions and farm biosecurity measures can you do now?

To find out more and to register for the webinar visit https://bit.ly/3oF8cHT

Having mentioned the webinar, I’d also like to encourage livestock producers and service providers to visit the foot-and-mouth disease page on the Agriculture Victoria website.

It provides a range of information, including signs of foot-and-mouth disease, practical biosecurity steps, frequently asked questions, and more.

Visit https://agriculture.vic.gov.au/biosecurity/animal-diseases/foot-and-mouth-disease for more information.

2022/23 rate notices

Rate notices for 2022/23 are due to be sent out this week, and I’d like to clarify that there are a number of options to pay rates, including at your local Australia Post office.

For residents looking to pay their rates at an Australia Post outlet, please ensure you use the new 2022/23 rate notice, rather than an old rate notice, as the barcode on the 2022/23 rates notices has been updated.

Council has received some reports of community members presenting old rate notices at Australia Post, which are then unable to be paid due to the barcode on these old rate notices no longer being valid.

You can elect to pay your rates in full as a lump sum (which is due to be paid by 15 February 2023). You can also opt to pay your rates in quarterly instalments, which are due on or before 30 September 2022, 30 November 2022, 28 February 2023 and 31 May 2023.

If you’ve noticed that your contact details are incorrect, would like to register to have your rates notice sent via email, have any questions or would like to discuss payment of your rates, please contact Julie in Council’s Rates Department on 5494 1200. If you anticipate that you might have an issue in paying your rates, please make sure to talk to Council.

As also mentioned in my 12 July column, this year rate notices will reflect the property’s 2022 valuation. If you wish to lodge an objection against your 2022 valuation, you can do so by ringing Council on 5494 1200 and requesting an objection form.

You can also log your objection electronically via the Rating Valuation Objections Portal at https://ratingvaluationobjections.vic.gov.au 

Objections must be lodged within eight weeks of the date of issue on the rate notice to be eligible.

Our Regions: Living Local – Regional Fund

Grant applications for the State Government’s Our Regions: Living Local – Regional Fund are now open until 14 August 2022.

The initiative provides funding for local community-building projects that promote social connections and cohesion, enhance liveability and revitalise community spaces.

Community organisations can apply for grants up to $200,000 for infrastructure projects, with smaller grants of up to $20,000 available for minor upgrades and maintenance to facilities.

For more information visit www.rdv.vic.gov.au/grants-and-programs/living-local-regional-fund

Ageing Well survey

The Commissioner for Senior Victorians is running a state-wide survey to find out what matters most to older Victorians.

The Ageing Well Survey gives older Victorians the chance to raise important issues, share their experiences of ageing and highlight the support they need to age well.

The survey will take up to 15 minutes and can be completed online. All survey responses are anonymous.

To have your say visit www.seniorsonline.vic.gov.au/survey

The survey closes on Sunday 7 August 2022.


I’d like to pass on my congratulations this week for a couple of great sporting achievements.

This includes 10-year-old Jack Hocking who has been selected to represent Team Victoria at the School Sports Australia Championships which will be held in Brisbane from 19 to 23 August.

As highlighted in the 25 July edition of East Loddon Community News, Jack will compete in the 100-metre breast stroke, 200-metre individual medley, and two other relay events.

Well done and all the very best, Jack!

The other congratulations this week goes to former Boort resident Andy Buchanan, who finished in the top 10 for the 42.2 kilometre marathon at the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham. Andy finished seventh overall – a great achievement.



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