Loddon Shire Mayoral Column 18 October
Published on 18 October 2022
If you are in immediate danger and require urgent assistance, dial 000.
If your home is about to flood, call the SES on 132 500.
A Flood Recovery Hotline is available, dial1800 560 760 for assistance and information relating to clean-up, temporary accommodation, mental health and well-being support.
Community Update
In a complex and evolving emergency, Loddon Shire Council continues to work alongside emergency services and Government agencies to support communities in flood-affected areas.
While many towns in the southern regions of Loddon Shire have already commenced recovery work, several communities to the north are isolated and experiencing some degree of inundation.
Relief Centres continue to provide support to hundreds of residents and visitors to Loddon Shire as communities deal with rolling impacts of flooding and associated challenges.
“I want to acknowledge the strength and spirit of community members in flood-affected areas across the region” Loddon Shire Council Mayor Dan Straub said.
“As always, our emergency service personnel and volunteers, many dealing with impacts to their own property and livelihoods, have worked tirelessly to support communities throughout the Loddon Shire.
As individuals we have each faced our own challenges at this time, but we have also seen communities work together to respond to this major flooding event and support each other through what will be a long recovery phase.”
Loddon Shire Council Chief Executive Lincoln Fitzgerald comments; “Council staff and contractors continue to respond to the emergency in an effort to see Council Services re-established as soon as possible.
Council staff have coordinated municipal resources effectively during this emergency response and continue to work effectively in dynamic, ever-changing environments.”
We welcome State Government announcements relating to support for individuals and business impacted by recent weather events. We look forward to hearing about further announcements as The Shire’s focus moves to recovery phase, as we rebuild our communities impacted by this event.”
Information relating to flood emergency response and recovery can be found at the Loddon Shire website, or keep up to date with the latest news, at the Loddon Shire Council’s Facebook page.
Further Information
Residents and visitors are encouraged to make sure to access the latest advice and information via the Victoria State Emergency Service (VICSES) website and Facebook page at www.ses.vic.gov.au and www.facebook.com/vicses/
The Bureau of Meteorology also provides up-to-date information regarding water levels and flood warnings at www.bom.gov.au/vic/warnings/index.shtml
For road information, including closures, visit VicTraffic at https://traffic.vicroads.vic.gov.au/
Remember to never drive, ride or walk through floodwater and never allow children to play in or near floodwater.
To report water over a road for VicRoads roads call 13 11 70. For Council roads call (03) 5494 1200.
Victorian Emergency relief assistance payment
The one-off payment is to help you and your household meet immediate and essential needs, like emergency shelter, food, clothing or personal items.
To apply, visit https://emergencypayments.dffh.vic.gov.au/
Australian Government Disaster Recovery Payment
The Australian Government Disaster Recovery Payment (AGDRP) is a lump sum payment to help you if you’ve been significantly affected by Victorian Floods in October 2022.
The Australian Government Disaster Recovery Payment is not for minor damage or inconvenience. Its purpose is to help with major damage to your property or other assets. You can choose to get this payment in 2 parts.
Contact Services Australia www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/ for further information and to apply.
Victorian Floods, October 2022 - Disaster Recovery Allowance
The Disaster Recovery Allowance (DRA) is a short term payment to help you if the Victorian Floods in October 2022 directly affects your income.
You can get it for a maximum of 13 weeks. This is paid from the date you started losing income as a direct result of the Victorian Floods that started on 6 October 2022.
Contact Services Australia www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/ for further information and to apply.
Important advice from the Victorian Building Authority
If your home has been flooded
Do not attempt to re-enter the home or undertake repairs until floodwaters have receded to a safe level and authorities permit access to the area. The relevant authorities will need to assess the building’s structural integrity, electricity (even if power has been turned off by the authorities, solar power systems may still be active in individual homes), gas safety, water and sewerage systems.
Do not enter the home if floodwaters have reached the ceiling level of your home or the ceiling has become damp due to absorption of water from plaster walls. There is a risk the ceiling may collapse.
Some building materials in older properties may contain asbestos – if unsure, seek expert advice before cleaning up building materials.
When carrying out flood repairs to a building, make sure the building has completely dried out and that the ground surrounding the building is also completely dry. Repairs made before the house has dried may fail.
Be careful around electricity, water and debris
Do not go near fallen power lines and take extra care around all electrical appliances and your switchboard.
Floodwater and debris may be contaminated with sewage or other dangerous substances.
Minimise contact with floodwater and wear protective clothing during clean up.
Your health and wellbeing
Always wear a nose and mouth guard or dust mask when collecting and removing rotting material including spoiled food or vegetation.
Use personal protection equipment, including gloves, covered shoes or boots and full-length clothing to cover your arms and legs.
Wash your hands thoroughly after participating in clean-up activities.
Be careful of wild animals including rodents, snakes or spiders which may be trapped in and around your home. Cuts from broken glass and debris are also a hazard. Always wear sturdy waterproof boots and rubber or leather gloves.
Drinking water may be contaminated – do not drink any water unless you know it is safe.
Donate with GIVIT to Victorian Flood Appeal
GIVIT is the smart way to give to support recovery after flooding across Victoria. The GIVIT website shows exactly what's needed right now. 100% of publicly donated funds received by GIVIT will be used to purchase exactly what's needed.
Click to donate at www.givit.org.au
Donate to the Victorian Flood Appeal with Bendigo Bank
Donations will be used on the ground in a range of locally identified charitable areas. We aim to provide relief and recovery in the flood affected areas.
Administered by Bendigo Bank's charitable arm, Community Enterprise Foundation.
Donations can be made at any Bendigo Bank branch, or online at Community Enterprise Foundation.