Loddon Shire Mayoral Column

Published on 17 February 2020


Measles in Victoria

Two new unrelated cases of measles have been identified in returned travellers from Nepal and the Philippines. This brings the number of cases of measles identified in Victoria this year to three. These cases were infectious on their return flights to Australia.

Measles is a highly contagious viral disease that causes symptoms such as fever and sore throat followed by a rash that spreads from the face down the body. Unvaccinated infants are particularly at risk of contracting measles and complications of the disease in children may include pneumonia, encephalitis or even death.

Free measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine is available to all people born during or since 1966 who do not have documentation that they have received two measles-containing vaccines, or are unsure of their vaccination history, regardless of Medicare status.

The Loddon Shire Infant Immunisation Sessions are held every month with the next one scheduled for Thursday 12 March at Serpentine and Boort. Bookings are essential. To book or for more information, please contact the Community Services Team on 03 5494 1200. For additional information and resources about measles, please go to the measles page at https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/measles-outbreak-victoria.

Outdoor strength training sessions

Residents in Wedderburn and Boort have the opportunity to be more active more often, thanks to new outdoor fitness equipment.

The new equipment has already received positive feedback from the community since its installation in late 2019, and locals have had the opportunity to experience the equipment through free strength training sessions in Wedderburn, and sessions are about to begin in Boort.

In Boort, sessions will be run at Nolen’s Park by local fitness trainer, Sherryn from SOFitness. These 45 minute sessions will run at 10.15am each Tuesday and Thursday from 4 February until 26 March.

The new equipment, along with the free strength training sessions, has been made possible thanks to the Healthy Heart of Victoria initiative, in partnership with Loddon Shire and local partners, in order to increase participation in physical activity by our community, across all age groups.

Autumn in Loddon Valley

As summer draws to an end, the mild days and star-filled evenings offer an abundance of outdoor activities for visitors and locals to enjoy the natural environment of the Loddon Valley.

From the first day of autumn, on 1 March, the Boort Pacing Cup offers a fun and colourful day hosted by the oldest continuous trotting club in Australia. The following weekend brings families to Wedderburn to test their detector and gold panning skills in the Minelab Detector Jamboree.

The Centenary of Australia’s first official Air Derby will be celebrated on 21 March at Serpentine with memorabilia and celebrations. Further celebrations will be enjoyed in Pyramid Hill for the annual Pyramid Hill Fiesta with a traditional Filipino Boodle Feast.

Towards the end of March, farming women will converge on Inglewood for the annual Women On Farms Gathering, to share resources and develop networks. Classic car lovers will also be catered for at the annual Eddington Sprints event.

For these events, as well as many others taking place in our region over the coming months, contact the Loddon Visitor Information Centre on (03) 5494 3489 or www.visitloddonvalley.com.au

Grains Research Updates

Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) Updates and Farm Business Updates are designed to inform grain growers’ decision-making leading into the next cropping season and beyond.

The Update events provide information, insights and advice to help improve agronomic practices and increase profitability. The first Updates session for 2020 will be held in Bendigo on 25 and 26 February. GRDC Farm Business Updates have been scheduled for Swan Hill (11 March) and Bendigo (12 March).

For further information and to register for the Updates, please visit https://grdc.com.au/events/list or phone ORM on 03 5441 6176 or email admin@orm.com.au.

Did you know

If you had elected to pay your rates in full, you would have paid by last Friday. The rates collected by Council help fund services within the community such as family and children’s services, aged and disability services as well as essential infrastructure such as roads, footpaths, parks, gardens, swimming pools and sports facilities.

An amount that appears on rates notices is the Fire Services Property levy (FSPL). This is a state government levy managed by local councils on behalf of the State Government. The levy ensures all property owners contribute a fair share to our fire services, not just those with insurance. For all details relating to Council rates, including information on the FSPL, visit our website https://www.loddon.vic.gov.au/For-residents/Your-home/Your-property-valuation-and-rates.



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