Loddon Shire Mayoral Column 14 December

Published on 14 December 2021

Mayor-Dan Straub

Startup Central Victoria 2022 Accelerator Program

Expressions of interest have opened for round two of Startup Central Victoria’s next Accelerator Program, which starts in early February 2022.

The Accelerator Program, which has 15 places available, is open to aspiring and emerging entrepreneurs aged 18 years-plus (individuals and teams) from central Victoria who are looking to startup or scale up a business idea.

Entry to the program is open to early-stage founders through to those wishing to scale up to national and international markets.

The program includes 12 free hybrid evening sessions with three tailored learning streams and is supported by experts, coaches and mentors.

The three tailored streams are Discovery – early-stage founders; Development – creation, testing and validation; and Advanced – scaling-up nationally and internationally.

The sessions start from the second week of February to the end of May and will be delivered by La Trobe Innovation and Entrepreneurship and their international partners.

For more information and to submit an EOI, visit Startup Central Victoria

The EOI closes Monday 24 January 2022.

Startup Central Victoria is a City of Greater Bendigo-led initiative in collaboration with neighbouring shires, including Loddon Shire Council.

Local History Grants Program applications open

Applications are now open for the 2021-2022 Round of the Local History Grants Program.

The Local History Grants Program encourages and fosters community activities that preserve, record and share the local, social and community history of Victoria and Victorians. 

For more information and to apply go to the Local History Grants Program website

Applications close midnight, Monday 24 January 2022.

Backup power options in agriculture webinar

Agriculture Victoria will host a webinar this Wednesday 15 December from 12pm to 1pm to talk about backup power options for farm businesses during a power outage.

Power outages can significantly impact farm businesses. Loss of power disrupts critical farm infrastructure such as livestock water systems, electric fences, milk-harvesting equipment, automated feeding systems, heat or refrigeration, and irrigation systems.

The webinar will include discussion about the options for providing alternative power in a power outage including generators and batteries with solar.

Two farmers will also share their experiences and the benefits of using backup power when there is a power outage for their businesses.

For more information and to register visit the event website.

Goldfields World Heritage listing bid

I’d like to thank Cr Wendy Murphy who attended an event in Clunes last week on Council’s behalf.

The partnership of 13 councils and Victorian Goldfields Tourism Executive is aiming to raise the profile of the Central Victorian Goldfields.

World Heritage listing aims to share the Central Victorian Goldfields story with people from across the globe and hopes to create social, cultural and economic opportunities for communities and individuals across the region.

Council is looking forward to receiving a full briefing in the New Year about what the World Heritage listing will mean for our Shire.

Loddon Valley – the place to be these holidays

I’d like to take the opportunity this week to highlight all the wonderful things our Loddon Valley has to offer these summer holidays.

If you’re looking for a getaway a bit closer to home these holidays, then our beautiful Loddon Valley is the place to be.

We’re lucky to have such a fantastic array of things to do and see right on our doorstep. This includes a range of water sports on our wealth of lakes and waterways, idyllic shady fishing spots and great places to camp.

Our state and national parks offer a number of rewarding lookouts, easy bushwalks, bird watching and pleasant picnic areas to relax and unwind.

You can immerse yourself in our region’s rich history – including exploring the character and charm of our region’s towns, as well as visit one of our many local businesses.

If you haven’t had the chance to explore our Loddon Valley in a long time (or have never had the opportunity) – the holidays are the perfect time to do so.

To find out more about what to see and do in the Loddon Valley these holidays, visit the Loddon Valley website or call the Loddon Visitor Information Centre on (03) 5494 3489.

You can also drop by the Visitor Information Centre at 24 Wilson Street, Wedderburn. 

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