Loddon Shire Mayoral Column 11 May 2020
Published on 11 May 2020
Happy Mother’s Day
We are now well and truly into May with a record April rainfall enjoyed in parts of our Region. This has seen a great start to the season, and has been welcomed by our farmers who are making the most of the favourable conditions.
I do hope everyone was able to take the time to stop and appreciate our mothers for Mother’s Day. This was a Mother’s Day like no other, with most people unable to visit their mother in person and enjoy the normal family traditions associated with this day. However hopefully everyone was able to acknowledge in some way, the mother or mother-figure in their lives, including those who have passed on, to honour and celebrate the influence of mothers in society.
Loddon Shire COVID-19 updates
Across Victoria, councils are playing an important role, working with their communities in response to COVID-19. At Loddon, our staff are continuing to provide services focussed on community health and safety, including maternal and child health, childhood immunisations, waste and recycling, meals on wheels and community infrastructure.
We recognise that the pandemic has put a lot of families, households and businesses under significant financial pressure and we are focused on supporting the region through recovery and resilience. We’re in this together Loddon – stay safe.
Staying Apart Keeps Us Together
Our efforts and actions during COVID-19 restrictions are making a difference and saving livings, but we can’t stop now. The Victorian Government has launched a campaign that reflects on how we can look after ourselves and one another as part of a community, a workplace, a family.
It’s about keeping the actions going to support others while staying apart – knowing what support and assistance is there to turn to if you should need it.
There are lots of tips and ideas for staying connected on the new Victoria Together website https://www.together.vic.gov.au/victoria-together. Here you can enjoy some of the best music, entertainment, nature and art our state has to offer. It’s a way to support local talent and host creative content.
Creative industries employ around 260,000 Victorians, but the sector has been hit hard by coronavirus restrictions with many artists, musicians and other creators losing their livelihoods as a result of the pandemic. Through the website you can explore online exercises classes, visit museums, check in on zoo animals through the live stream, discover food stories and recipes, as well as experience theatre, dance, comedy and film.
Support for business
The Victorian Government has expanded the criteria for its Business Support Fund to help small businesses survive the economic impacts of COVID-19 and keep people at work.
Funding of $10,000 per business is available and will be allocated through a grant process. Small businesses that have been subject to closure or highly impacted by the Restricted Activity Directions, have a turnover over of more than $75,000 and hold an ABN number will be eligible to apply.
Visit the Victorian Government Business Support Fund webpage for details https://www.business.vic.gov.au/support-for-your-business/grants-and-assistance/business-support-fund. Applications under the fund will be accepted until 1 June.
La Trobe University has fully funded up to 25 spots for local business for the COVID-19 Industry Response Program. The 12-week course delivered in partnership with Investible will give small businesses the mindset, resources and networks, they need to adapt and innovate in the face of unprecedented change.
The program, consisting of online workshops, expert mentoring and online learning, is designed to support established Victorian retailers, manufacturers and small businesses across all major industries and sectors.
Council is also providing financial relief to those suffering hardships at the moment with respect to rates and charges. For details and links to other government packages, visit https://www.loddon.vic.gov.au/For-business/COVID-19-business-support.
Draft budget
Following the last Council meeting, the Draft Budget 2020/2021 was made available for inspection and submissions until close of business Friday 29 May 2020.
This budget was developed through a rigorous process of consultation and review and Council endorses it as financially responsible. I encourage the community to read through this document, in conjunction with the Council Plan 2017-21.
Council has increased rates by 2.0% in line with the Fair Go Rates System. Kerbside waste collection services will increase by 15% per collection item due to the expected cost increases to waste collection services and landfill operations with the continuation of Council's decision for this activity to remain cost neutral.
Other points of particular interest in the Draft Budget include an increased commitment to investment in information technology, strong investment in local road and related infrastructure maintenance, continued support for the aged services and early years programs and a capital expenditure program of $7.24 million. The Draft Budget keeps Council in a strong cash position and debt free.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the Draft Budget is available to view on our website https://www.loddon.vic.gov.au/Our-Council/Financial-reports. A copy may be posted on request by calling Council’s Customer Service Office on 5494 1200.
The website also contains information about how to make a written submission, which must be received by close of business Friday 29 May 2020. Submissions will be considered when the Draft Budget is presented to the June 23 Council meeting for final adoption.
Home energy webinars
Loddon Shire is part of the Central Victorian Greenhouse Alliance. This formal network of 13 local governments in central and northwest Victoria is working together on tackling climate change. The Alliance is working to develop and implement regional projects, to share knowledge and undertake advocacy on climate and energy policy.
The Alliance is partnering with councils and other organisations to offer two free webinars for residents across the region. The webinars will provide expert advice on ways to reduce energy bills, particularly relevant at a time when people may be struggling financially as well as spending more time at home and using more energy.
The first webinar will take place on Wednesday 20 May at 7pm. This webinar will look at simple steps that everyone can take to achieve more affordable bills. The session is suitable for both renters and owner occupiers.
The second session on Wednesday 27 May at 7pm will go into more detail about what you can do around your own home to save energy and stay warm this winter. Both sessions will be delivered by energy experts.
Register for this event at http://www.cvga.org.au/.
Pool and spa registration reminder
Residents who have private pools or spas on their properties are reminded that the deadline to register them is 1 June 2020.
As mentioned in the Mayoral Column early this year, the requirement for registration of pools and spas is part of a program to help ensure child safety and to ensure that the standard of fencing and safety barriers around swimming pools and spas on properties is maintained.
To obtain an application form please contact Council’s Building Services on 5494 1242 or email building@loddon.vic.gov.au or download the form from our website: www.loddon.vic.gov.au/Our-Council/Forms-and-permit-applications.
Further information how the regulations can be obtained from the Victorian Building Authority website https://www.vba.vic.gov.au/consumers/swimming-pools
Did you know
Throughout Stage 3 Restrictions, Council’s Works Department have been continuing to undertake work, under some modified conditions. Council’s labour workforce are involved in the delivery of maintenance and construction activities on Council’s road and township street network as well as Council’s Parks and Gardens, building maintenance and waste services.
From 1 July 2019 to 31 March 2020, 4970 defects were rectified, with 99.5 per cent of all defects, a localised deficiency or fault in a sub-asset e.g. pothole, (4944 in total) completed before their due date.