Loddon Shire Mayoral Column 1 June 2020
Published on 01 June 2020
Loddon Shire COVID-19 updates
From today we welcome another round of cautious easing of restrictions across Victoria. As well as a return to face-to-face learning in school, outdoor playgrounds, skate parks and outdoor gym equipment have now reopened.
You may now have up to 20 people in your home, including those who live there. Outdoor gatherings have also increased to 20. Limits on significant ceremonies have lifted to allow 20 guests at weddings, 50 mourners at funerals and up to 20 people allowed at other religious ceremonies.
Overnight stays at private residences are now permitted and importantly, for our tourism industry, so are overnight stays in accommodation. This will also apply to campgrounds and caravan parks – but not with communal facilities such as kitchens and bathrooms.
A range of other venues will be allowed to reopen with strict limits and requirements imposed.
Individual businesses and accommodation providers will need to examine the guidelines and decide how this impacts on their business. New practices and procedures may need to be implemented in order to operate while some may need to wait until further easing of restrictions.
However, the central message remains the same; in order to stay safe, we should stay home as much as possible. This means those who can work from work home should continue to do so. Limiting how much people move around still helps slow the spread of the virus.
These changes will be reviewed by the Victorian Government on 22 June if community transmission rates continue to remain low.
For full details about Victoria’s restrictions, visit https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus.
Skills help for small business
Businesses affected by the coronavirus pandemic now have free access to top online short courses and training events to gain new skills and knowledge to keep small businesses moving forward.
Upskill My Business is a Victorian Government partnership with key industry groups and education providers to support Victorian businesses through the impacts of the pandemic.
The online programs, short courses and events offered, cover topics ranging from business innovation to staff development.
Small Business Victoria’s Digital Opportunities Roadshow, Small Business Workshops, Mentoring Program and the Small Business Bus have transitioned to online delivery and are being accessed by a wide range of enterprises across the state.
Businesses can find out if there is a program to assist them and their workers at the Upskill My Business website; www.upskill.business.vic.gov.au, or by calling the Business Victoria hotline on 13 22 15.
Renewable energy projects
Not-for-profit organisations, co-operatives and social enterprises in the Loddon Shire are eligible to apply for funding for renewable energy projects that will help grow local jobs and create environmental and economic opportunities.
The grant program will also increase the uptake in renewable energy generation, reduce greenhouse emissions and help lower electricity costs for social projects.
Applications for eligible projects must be made via the online grant management portal no later than Thursday, 18 June 2020. Find details at www.energy.vic.gov.au/renewable-energy/community-energy.
Under the ‘Solar Homes Program’, households are also eligible to apply for rebates for the installation of solar panels, solar hot water and solar batteries. Rebates are also available for eligible renters.
The rebates are aimed at creating jobs, saving householders money and helping to reduce emissions. For details, visit the website www.solar.vic.gov.au/.
Community sports survival packages
Local community sporting clubs and associations are able to apply for grants aimed at supporting community infrastructure projects, creating jobs and supporting local businesses.
Eligible organisations will be able to apply for funding under the Victorian Community Sport Sector Short-term Survival Package in order to ensure their ongoing viability and solvency. This will help a range of organisations and associations ride out the economic impacts of the pandemic and help them to rebound and recover.
For further information and details on how to apply, visit www.sport.vic.gov.au/grants-and-funding.
June Loddon Bulletin
The winter edition of the Loddon Bulletin will be arriving in letterboxes throughout the Shire over the coming days. This publication is a great source of relevant and news and information for all residents.
This edition looks back at our very different Anzac Day, has council news and updates as well as details from the results of the Active Living Census. There is also a feature on Red Dog Chillies – another example of a local enterprise finding a niche market to grow their business.
If you need a copy of the Bulletin, you can download a copy from our website https://www.loddon.vic.gov.au/News-and-public-notices/Loddon-Bulletins or phone Customer Service on 5494 1200 to have one posted to you.
Financial Hardship Policy
At the recent Council meeting, Council voted to adopt the COVID-19 Financial Hardship Policy in order to assist ratepayers who are experiencing general and financial hardship in making payments of rates and waste charges as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.
The policy will further Council’s existing Financial Hardship Policy by extending the application of the policy to all ratepayers, not just residential ratepayers, in relation to their primary place of residence.
It will also encourage the use of payment plans and place a hold on interest on debt accumulated during the pandemic. Council will refrain from pursuing legal action for the collection of current rates and charges.
This initiative will support the community with an interest free period for the payment of rates and charges in recognition of the difficult circumstances some ratepayers are facing.
Regional Growth Summit
Last week Council was pleased to be involved in the inaugural Regional Growth Summit. This virtual summit was an opportunity for small and medium business people to engage in a day of free online education, networking and workshops hosted by experienced professionals.
Loddon businesses that missed out on the summit are still able to take advantage of the opportunities to develop strategies and tools to grow their business by registering at Bit.ly/RGSMay2020. Simply enter the access code LoddonRGSPass to make the most of the shared knowledge, advice and resources available for free.