Loddon Shire Mayoral Column
Published on 18 November 2019
16 Days of Activism
Loddon Shire Council, along with other councils in Victoria, is taking part in the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence as part of our commitment to promote workplace equality and respect. This year we have been working to increase awareness and understanding of the extent and impact of gender inequality and its strong link to domestic violence.
The 16 Days of Activism campaign takes place from 25 November to 10 December and encourages people to call out sexism, sexual harassment and disrespect towards women.
It’s everyone’s job to address language, attitudes and behaviours that endorse violence and disrespect towards women. These steps will help change the structures and social norms which contribute towards gender inequality in the workplace and community.
Water subsidy for recreation reserves
Taking part in organised sport throughout the Loddon Shire represents a large part of the physical activity and social interaction of the wider Loddon community. Council has recognised this by financially supporting the recreation reserves’ access to irrigation water to keep the grounds in top condition, which enables teams to fully participate in organised sport.
Council will provide financial support up to a maximum of 12 megalitres of non-potable water annually for each of the nine main recreation reserves.
Council will also subsidise service fees and charges associated with the supply of water to recreation reserves. That is, annual service fees/meter charges, service point fees and water access fees.
Information explaining the subsidy, including all the relevant web links and application forms will be sent to all eligible recreation reserves by Community Support in due course.
ADAPT Leadership Program
ADAPT Loddon Mallee is looking for 25 people to participate in the ADAPT Leadership Program. Participants would be people who want to serve their community and have a keen interest in understanding and working for solutions to local climate change issues.
ADAPT Loddon Mallee is funded by the Victorian Government’s Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DEWLP). Each DEWLP region has been tasked with developing the Regional Adaptation Strategy. The strategy is intended to be a practical approach to address local climate change issues.
The Leadership Program aims to bring a diverse range of emerging community leaders together to build leadership skills, research local climate change issues and workshop projects aimed at working toward local action. Four residential workshops will allow participants to collaborate, pool resources and build networks with an emphasis on peer-to-peer partnerships and learning.
For more information and applications visit www.adaptloddonmallee.com.au. Applications close 6pm, Monday 2 December.
Understanding safety barriers for home pools
Last weekend marked the official start to the summer pool season across Victoria. Even though the temperatures were a little low to really get started, it won’t be long before locals will be making use of Council’s five swimming pools.
With the warmer weather at hand and Christmas approaching, I just want to take the opportunity to remind residents about requirements for safety barriers around swimming pools and spas.
Safety barriers must be constructed around all swimming pools and spas that can hold more than 30cm (300mm) of water, to restrict access to the pool area by young children. This also applies to inflatable, wading and portable pools. Swimming pool and spa owners have a legal obligation to ensure that they maintain the effective operation of swimming pool and spa safety barriers.
Drowning is the most common cause of preventable death for children under five in Victoria, and pool barriers can help save lives. On average, four young children die in Victoria in home swimming pools or spas every year and many more experience near-drownings.
Child safety information may be found at the Kidsafe Victoria website www.kidsafevic.com.au/water-safety/pool-fence-safety/pool-fencing-laws and information regarding safety barrier requirements can be found at the Victorian Building Authority’s website www.vba.vic.gov.au/consumers/swimming-pools.
Good luck Year 12s
As the final exams take place across our region, I would like to wish the students putting the finishing touches on their secondary school days all the best for what lies ahead. This includes the hope that the results they gain give them the opportunities and pathways they desire for their future endeavours.
Also for young people heading off for to celebrate and relax after exams are finished, I urge you to stay safe and look after each other.
Did you know
Thinking of summer approaching is also a good time to check barbeque safety. Did you know that last summer there were over 100 dangerous barbeque fires involving LP gas cylinders in Victoria? Some of those fires turned into house fires, resulting in serious burns and damage to family homes.
So to stay safe, ‘know the drill before you grill’. This means check your gas connection with soapy water to make sure there are no leaks. If no bubbles appear, it is safe to use.
You can’t refill an LP gas cylinder that hasn’t been tested for over 10 years or if it has been damaged. Always exchange a cylinder at a reputable supplier.
For more information and tips on checking and storing gas cylinders, visit the Energy Safe Victoria website esv.vic.gov.au/campaigns/barbecue-safety/