Loddon Shire Local Law 4 – Environment

Published on 13 June 2015

Pursuant to Sections 119 and 223 of the Local Government Act 1989 (the Act), Loddon Shire Council hereby gives notice that it has completed a review and subsequent amendment of Local Law No. 4 – Environment, and is providing opportunity for any person affected by the proposed local law to make a submission in respect of the draft document.

Copies of the proposed Local Law No. 4 will be available for inspection from Monday 15 June 2015 to Monday 13 July 2015, at the Shire offices located in Wedderburn and Serpentine, between the hours of 8.15am and 4.45pm.  Alternatively a copy of the Local Law can be obtained here.

Local Law No. 4 – Environment seeks to:

  • provide a safe and healthy environment in which the residents of the municipal district may enjoy a quality of life that meets general amenity expectations
  • control activities or land use which may be hazardous, unsafe or detrimentally impact upon quality of life or the environment within the municipal district
  • control nuisances which may adversely impact upon health, safety or welfare of any person within the municipal district, or be detrimental to an individual’s quality of life
  • facilitate regulation and enforcement action so as to protect the environment and general amenity within the municipal district
  • provide for the peace, order and good government of the municipal district
  • provide for the administration of Council's powers and functions under relevant legislation.

To achieve these objectives, the proposed local law addresses 27 separate issues across 4 themes. The themes are safety, people and property, environment, animals and disposal of waste.

Council encourages members of the community to read the local law and provide written comment on any matter contained therein.

In accordance with Section 223 of the Act, any person wishing to make a written submission in respect of Local Law No. 4 should do so before close of business on Tuesday 14 July 2015.  Persons making written submissions should clearly state whether they wish to be heard in person or by a person acting on their behalf in support of the written submission.

Submissions should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Loddon Shire Council, PO Box 21, Wedderburn, Vic, 3518. 

Persons making submissions should be aware that all written submissions received will be made publicly available for inspection in accordance with Part 5 of the Local Government (General) Regulations 2005.  

Council will meet to consider any submissions and adoption of the local law during its Ordinary Meeting to be held on Tuesday 28 July 2015, commencing 3.00pm at the Council Chambers, Peppercorn Way (adjacent to Loddon Valley Highway), Serpentine.

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