Loddon Shire Council Roadside Management Plan 2018
Published on 14 April 2018
The Loddon Shire Council has developed a draft of the Roadside Management Plan 2018 and intends to adopt the plan for the management of the roadsides within the local rural road network.
A copy of the plan may be found on Council’s website or viewed at the Wedderburn and Serpentine Council offices.
Any person wishing to make a submission in respect to the proposed Roadside Management Plan 2018 must do so in writing no later than close of business on Friday 11 May 2018.
Submissions should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Loddon Shire Council, PO Box 21, Wedderburn VIC 3518. A person who wishes to address Council in respect of their submission must make this request in writing at the time of lodging the submission.