Loddon Shire Council Meeting – March 2023
Published on 28 March 2023
Council has authorised the Mayor to submit a response to the Victoria NSW Interconnector (VNI West) Consultation Report – Options Assessment on behalf of Loddon Shire Council.
The VNI West Consultation Report – Options Assessment was one of a number of items considered by Council at its meeting on 28 March.
VNI West is considered essential for the Australian economy to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. The forecast closure of ageing coal-fired generators in Victoria and New South Wales over the coming decades presents a significant challenge to supply reliability.
While Council is not a decision maker for the project, it has the opportunity to provide a submission in response to the report to Australian Energy Market Operator Victorian Planning (AVP) before the closing date on 5 April 2023.
The response to the VNI West Consultation Report on behalf of Loddon Shire Council will include, but not be limited to the following items:
- Council understands the importance of a reliable energy network to the Victorian and Australian community.
- Consultation has not met the expectations of our community. We expect people to be meaningfully engaged and informed of issues which may impact upon them.
- Loddon Shire is within the Murray Renewable Energy Zone (REZ) and seeks the highest capacity transmission to enable additional power generation and therefore value sharing to our community.
- Loddon Shire Council is opposed to transmission lines crossing multiple areas of our municipality with a preference for consolidation on a single alignment with minimal impact.
- Council requests AVP provide clear information to land owners about the impact transmission lines will have upon their rights, particularly any limitations on farming operations.
The March meeting also saw Council adopt the new Land and Building Development Projects Policy.
The purpose of the policy is to ensure a clear, consistent and transparent approach to considering the merit and level of resourcing Council may provide to facilitate high quality and strategic housing developments undertaken by Council.
It considers Council’s role to support the private market rather than compete, the type of development Council is seeking to undertake, and the process that will be undertaken to ensure a strong community outcome while minimising risk to Council.
Other outcomes of the meeting included:
- Increased the quarterly remuneration paid to independent members of the Audit and Risk Committee to $545 and maintains a travel reimbursement.
- Authorised the Chief Executive Officer to undertake all necessary administrative actions required to execute the leases for the Bridgewater and Wedderburn Caravan Parks.
- Acknowledged receipt of amended plans in respect to a VCAT application for the use and development of a dwelling and new road access into a Transport Road Zone 2 at Lot 1, Newbridge Road, Newbridge.
- Noted the Minutes of the Audit and Risk Committee meeting held 13 February 2023.
Confidential items considered by Council included awarding contracts to deliver:
- Major Recreation Reserve Floodlighting Upgrade – Mitiamo and Calivil
- C553 – Footpath Construction 2022-2023
To view the Council agenda and minutes visit Council's website. The recording of the meeting is available via Council’s Facebook page.
The next Council meeting will be held on Wednesday 26 April in the Loddon Shire Council Chambers, located behind the Wedderburn Council Offices (off Peters Street). The meeting will also be streamed on Council’s Facebook page.