Loddon Shire Australia Day Competitions 2015/16
Published on 08 September 2015
The Loddon Shire Council, as part of its Australia Day Celebrations for 2016, is conducting the following competitions:
- A Colouring Competition for Prep to Grade 2
- A Photographic Competition with the topic “An ANZAC Photo – old or new” with 3 sections:
o Junior (preps to Grade 6)
o Senior (Year 7 to Year 12)
o Open
- A Literature Competition for school aged children with the topic: “An ANZAC Story”.
The competitions are free to enter, and entry forms are downloadable from here, or by contacting Mrs Shannon Brown on 0429380465, email loddonausday@bigpond.com; or by contacting the Loddon Shire Council Office, at Wedderburn on 54941200.
Any person residing, working, or attending a school, within the Loddon Shire is eligible to enter. Entries must be submitted by 4 pm on Friday 16 October, 2015.