Loddon Planning Scheme notice of approval of Amendment C36

Published on 23 April 2016

Planning and Environment Act 1987


Notice of Approval of Amendment

Amendment C36

The Minister for Planning has approved Amendment C36 to the Loddon Planning Scheme.

The Amendment comes into operation on the date this notice is published in the Government Gazette.

The amendment generally applies to all land within the Farming Zone in the Shire of Loddon. The amendment specifically applies to land at Wedderburn, Mount Korong, Pyramid Hill, Yarrayne, Inglewood, Llanelly, Tarnagulla, Laanecoorie, McIntyre, Moliagul, Rheola, Wehla, Kingower, Brenanah, Skinners Flat, Nine Mile South, Eddington, Bridgewater, Newbridge, Boort and the Loddon River corridor.

The amendment implements the Loddon Shire Council Rural Zones Review, 2012. The amendment amends Local Planning Policy Framework Clauses 21.02, 21.04 and 22,05, introduces the Rural Conservation Zone into the planning scheme, amends the Schedule to the Farming Zone and Rural Living Zone to increase the minimum subdivision lot size in those zones, and rezones land in the Farming Zone to the Rural Conservation Zone, Public Use Zone, Public Conservation and Resource Zone, Public Park and Recreation Zone, Township Zone, and Rural Living Zone.

A copy of the Amendment can be inspected, free of charge, at the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning website at www.delwp.vic.gov.au/public-inspection and free of charge, during office hours, at the offices of the Loddon Shire Council, 41 High Street, Wedderburn, VIC 3518.

Director Planning Services and Impact Assessment
Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

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