LODDON HEALTHY MINDS NETWORK Mental Health First Aid instructor training – Course sponsorship

Published on 03 March 2015

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training ensures that the skills to assist people with mental health problems are spread beyond mental health professionals, and contribute towards improved support, early detection and treatment of mental health problems while reducing stigma attached to mental illness.

Having qualified MHFA instructors delivering programs in our community ensures that we are teaching people the first aid skills needed to support people with mental health problems.

The Loddon Healthy Minds Network is providing up to $5,000 sponsorship for one Loddon resident to undertake the standard Mental Health First Aid Instructor training course. 

Sponsorship guidelines and an application form can be obtained from:

Stacey Williamson: Telephone  5437 7999, email  healthyminds@loddon.vic.gov.au

Website:  http://loddonhealthyminds.com.au

Further enquiries about this position may be directed to Wendy Gladman, Director Community Wellbeing, on 5437 7999.

Applications close on Monday 30 March 2015 at 9.00am.

Promoting and advocating for improved wellbeing and access
to appropriate services for people in the Loddon Shire affected
by mental health issues. 



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