Kooyoora Wildflower show

Published on 26 August 2016

A wet winter has raised hopes of a bigger and brighter display this year, as the Friends of Kooyoora prepare for their 10th annual Wildflower Show.

Planned for 17-18 September at Inglewood’s Eucy Distillery Museum, the event features local native wildflowers, plant, book and local produce sales, a popular photographic competition, free bus tours and local environmental group displays.

The show is part of the 2016 “Naturally Loddon” Spring Festival, comprising 10 family-friendly events spread across eight weeks.

This year’s program also includes family weekends at Terrick Terrick National Park and Tarnagulla, a fishing competition, wetlands tour, two local festivals and Boort’s annual metal sculpture competition.

The photographic competition falls into three categories – open, under 18 and under 12 – on the themes of native flora, native fauna and landscapes, with winners decided by popular vote.

Friends of Kooyoora secretary Wendy Murphy said the wet winter had been an encouragement to members.

“In the past, we’ve been limited by having fewer flowers available, due to the dry weather, but this season is looking good,” she said.

Group members hope to collect up to 170 examples of local wildflower species from local forest areas and on private land in the week before the event under permits issued by DELWP.

“There are a lot of orchid species in Kooyoora State Park which are unique to the area,” Ms Murphy said.

The show will be open from 9am to 4pm each day and entry costs $5 for adults, with children under 18 free.

Forms for the photographic competition can be found at www.kooyoorafriends.org.au .

“Last year, we had about 100 people coming through each day, but that was helped by the Blue Eucy Festival running on the same weekend,” Ms Murphy said.

“Those who know about it keep coming back, but we’d love to see even more visitors.”

To obtain a festival brochure, phone the Loddon Visitor Information Centre on 5494 1257 or visit www.loddon.vic.gov.au

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