Published on 14 January 2015
Infant Immunisation sessions will be available at the following locations:
Serpentine Loddon Shire Offices
Dingee Bush Nursing Centre
37 Peppercorn Way King Street
Pyramid Hill Community Health Centre
Inglewood Maternal & Child Health Centre
12 Victoria Street 75 Grant Street
Boort Resource & Information Centre
BRIC, Godfrey Street
Thursday 8 January
9.15am Serpentine
11.15am Boort
Thursday 12 February
9.30am Inglewood
11.30am Dingee
2.15pm Pyramid Hill
Thursday 12 March
9.15am Serpentine
11.15am Boort
Thursday 9 April
9.30am Inglewood
11.30am Dingee
2.15pm Pyramid Hill
Thursday 14 May
9.15am Serpentine
11.15am Boort
Thursday 11 June
9.30am Inglewood
11.30am Dingee
2.15pm Pyramid Hill
Thursday 9 July
9.15am Serpentine
11.15am Boort
Thursday 13 August
9.30am Inglewood
11.30am Dingee
2.15pm Pyramid Hill
Thursday 10 September
9.15am Serpentine
11.15am Boort
Thursday 8 October
9.30am Inglewood
11.30am Dingee
2.15pm Pyramid Hill
Thursday 12 November
9.15am Serpentine
11.15am Boort
Thursday 10 December
9.30am Inglewood
11.30am Dingee
2.15pm Pyramid Hill
To make an appointment, telephone Loddon Shire – Serpentine Office on 5437 7999.
For information regarding immunisation, or to contact immunisation staff during sessions,telephone 0488 095 205.
Please bring your Medicare Card and Child Record Book to each immunisation session.
Please allow 15 minutes waiting time following immunisation.