Help our volunteers update town websites

Published on 28 February 2018

Local businesses, organisations and people that run events in the Shire are being encouraged to help update information on locally-run town websites.

A meeting on 13 February in Serpentine brought together tourism groups and progress associations to discuss their town’s websites, including Tarnagulla, Wedderburn, Inglewood, Pyramid Hill and Boort.

A common theme identified at the committee website meeting was the lack of updated information provided to volunteers to keep town websites current.

Loddon Shire Council’s Tourism and Marketing Officer Robyn Vella said the need to bring together members running town websites was identified as an action from a Loddon Valley Collaboration Workshop held last December.

“While the tourism group or progress association pays for the hosting of a town’s website, keeping the information up-to-date is completely voluntary,” Mrs Vella said.

“These volunteers do a magnificent job helping encourage visitation and new residents to the area. But they can’t do it on their own – they really need that information from businesses, events and organisations to ensure these websites continue to showcase our towns in the Shire.”

Contact details of tourism groups and progress associations responsible for town websites are listed on the Loddon Shire website at Search for “Community Directory”, and then select “Development, progress and tourism groups” from the dropdown Category box on the Community Directory page.

A number of tourism associations are also listed on the Council website as Section 86 Committees. To find the contact details of these tourism associations, search for “Section 86 committees” on Council’s website and choose the “Council committees (Section 86)” page from the search results. 

“We’re really urging the community to be proactive. If you have a businesses, run an organisation or an event please provide the correct and updated details,” Mrs Vella added.

“This is all about working in partnership to promote our towns by presenting the most current information possible.”

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