Have your say on the new Loddon Tourism Strategy

Published on 29 January 2016

Loddon Shire is currently preparing a Tourism Strategy to help guide Council to understand where to best invest its resources in terms of developing the local tourism industry over the next five years.

We are particularly keen to hear from those already in the tourism industry, those who think that they may like to set up some sort of enterprise in the future and those who currently supply goods and services to visitors, to determine the level of support required to take tourism to the next level and to help operators to achieve their goals.

We also invite existing and potential tourism operators to attend the Loddon Valley Business Network dinner to be held at the Loddon Visitor Information Centre, 24 Wilson Street Wedderburn from 6pm on Tuesday 16 February to workshop ideas on how we can further develop and enhance Loddon Shire as a key visitor destination. RSVP for the Loddon Valley Business Network Dinner is Thursday 11 February 5pm to ssteel@loddon.vic.gov.au

Please help us by filling in the following survey by Friday 12 February 2016. For more information, contact Wendy Holland at communityvibe on mobile 0438 433 555 or wendy@communityvibe.com.au  alternatively, please contact Robyn Vella at Loddon Shire Council on 5494 1233 or rvella@loddoon.vic.gov.au

Survey link https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/tourismloddon

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