Have your say on a proposed Reconciliation Action Plan
Published on 12 June 2018
Loddon Shire Council is asking residents to have their say on a proposed Reconciliation Action Plan.
Reconciliation Action Plans generally guide organisations in building greater awareness, understanding and respectful relationships between our wider community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Council wants to hear from as many people as possible regarding their thoughts on how Council might proceed with the development of a Reconciliation Action Plan.
Mayor Cheryl McKinnon said that while a Reconciliation Action Plan was a new development for Council, there was an ongoing commitment to reconciliation activities.
“This includes activities such as flying the Aboriginal flag during Reconciliation Week and NAIDOC week,” Cr McKinnon said.
“More recently, Council adopted a policy and began acknowledging the Traditional Custodians of the land at Council civic functions, business activities and in Council publications.”
You can complete the survey online at www.surveymonkey.com/r/GRDPK9V
Hard copies of the survey are also available from the Boort Resource and Information Centre (BRIC), Pyramid Hill Neighbourhood House, Inglewood Community Neighbourhood House, Wedderburn Community House and Council’s Serpentine and Wedderburn offices.
The Reconciliation Action Plan survey closes at 5pm on Friday 29 June. Results of the survey will be posted on Council’s website in mid-July.
For more information regarding the survey, please contact Council’s Policy and Strategy Officer Christine Walters on 5494 1239 or email cwalters@loddon.vic.gov.au
To find out more about Reconciliation Action Plans and to view an example, visit www.reconciliation.org.au/reconciliation-action-plans/