Hard Waste Collection 4 March 2019

Published on 19 February 2019

Loddon Shire Council will be conducting its annual kerbside hard waste collection of metals, recyclables and white goods during March 2019. Residents within the township boundaries (excluding business) of Boort, Pyramid Hill, Mitiamo, Dingee, Serpentine, Borung, Wychitella, Korong Vale, Wedderburn, Inglewood, Bridgewater, Newbridge, Tarnagulla, Laanecoorie and Eddington may place items (e.g. whitegoods, old bed frames etc.) out on the nature strip on Sunday 3 March 2019 (not before) and Council staff will collect and remove these items commencing Monday 4 March 2019.

Residents in the Logan area may deposit hard waste at a collection point located on the Logan Kingower Road opposite the Avoca Forest Hotel and Fenton’s Creek residents may leave hard waste at a collection point located adjacent to the Fenton’s Creek Hall on Sunday 3 March 2019. This hard waste will also be collected and removed commencing Monday 4 March 2019.

Items are to be sorted into piles, i.e. metal items, recyclable items and white goods. Total volume is not to exceed 1m3 in size. Excessive or unsorted piles will not be collected.

Please note that perishables, tyres, oils, batteries, paints and chemicals, car parts, mattresses, TVs, computers/monitors and garbage will not be picked up.

Any unsuitable items left behind after collections are to be removed from the nature strip immediately.

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