Floods feedback sought
Published on 08 July 2014
Have your say on how better to manage flood emergencies.
That’s the invitation from the state government as it invites public comment on its draft Victorian Floodplain Management Strategy.
The Strategy aims to better prepare Victoria for severe flooding by improving the evaluation and communication of flood risks.
It builds on lessons learned from the 2010, 2011 and 2012 floods and locks into place a number of recommendations from the Victorian Floods Review.
It also gives effect to the government's response to the Environment and Natural Resources Committee Inquiry report on flood mitigation infrastructure.
The Municipal Association of Victoria has welcomed the release of the Strategy, saying it’s pleased a risk-based approach will be applied to flood management.
The MAV has also hailed commitments to improving data, mapping and communication.
The project team responsible for gathering feedback has planned 12 public information sessions for this month and is inviting written submissions from interested people.
There are meetings planned for Swan Hill on 16 July and Bendigo the following day.
The Swan Hill session will take place at the Town Hall PACC in Splat St, while, in Bendigo, the venue is the La Trobe University building in View St. Both meetings run from 2pm to 4pm.
To register to attend, please phone 13 61 86 or email vfms.inquiry@depi.vic.gov.au
Submissions can be made before 5pm on Monday 11 August. Address those to Victorian Floodplain Management Strategy, PO Box 500, East Melbourne, 3002.
To see a copy of the Draft Victorian Floodplain Management Strategy and supporting material, go to www.vic.gov.au/floodplainmanagementstrategy