Feedback sought regarding local recreation spaces
Published on 19 July 2018
Council is asking residents to provide their thoughts about what local spaces they use for recreation and physical activity, and how these open spaces could be improved.
To help identify local spaces and possible improvements, Council is encouraging community members to fill out the Activating Open Spaces community survey, which is now open until Friday 17 August.
Open spaces might include parks, playgrounds, bushland, cycling/walking paths, rivers/lakes, swimming pools, sports facilities and shopping areas/streets.
Director Community Wellbeing Wendy Gladman said the original deadline to complete the survey had been extended to ensure Council heard from as many people as possible.
“This survey is important as it will help Council understand what local places our community uses for recreation and physical activity,” Mrs Gladman said.
“This feedback will then assist us to identify how we can then improve these open spaces so that more people use them more often.”
The Activating Open Spaces community survey is available online at
Hard copies of the survey are also available from Council’s Wedderburn and Serpentine offices.
For more information contact Carmel Pethick at Council on 5494 1253.