Feedback sought for Wedderburn open air gallery
Published on 20 October 2017
The Wedderburn Open Air Gallery Project working group would like to hear from community members regarding the project at a meeting on 14 November at 6pm at the Wedderburn Community Centre.
Working group Chair Councillor Gavan Holt encouraged Wedderburn community members to come along to the meeting and provide their thoughts.
“This meeting is an opportunity for anyone in the community to come along and express their thoughts or concerns regarding the project, as well as provide their input and ideas,” Cr Holt said.
“The working group wants to receive community feedback regarding this project, and essentially whether our community thinks it is a good idea for Wedderburn.
“We want to ensure the community is satisfied with the process regarding the proposed open air gallery project and that our residents have had the opportunity to provide their views,” he added.
The Wedderburn Open Air Gallery Project will encompass a series of outdoor murals located around Wedderburn to form the open air gallery, providing a point of difference for visitors to explore the town.
Following initial feedback, the working group has identified the Wedderburn Streetscape Improvement Project vicinity as the initial location for the murals.
“We will also be asking the community during the meeting whether these murals should all be unique or linked via a common theme,” Cr Holt said.
The idea for the project originated from local artist Ross Currie, who approached Wedderburn Tourism regarding developing murals around Wedderburn. The working group was formed and a meeting held with key stakeholders, including Regional Arts Victoria, Regional Development Victoria and Loddon Shire Council.
Members of the Wedderburn Open Air Gallery Project working group include:
Cr Gavan Holt
Jon Chandler (Lions Club)
Ross Currie (artist)
Greg Deimos (Wedderburn Development Association)
Sheilah Gaines (Loddon Arts)
Thomas Jackson (Wedderburn Tourism)
Dave Thomas (Lions Club)
Margaret Van Veen (Wedderburn Community House)
Jude Raftis (Wedderburn Community House)
Robyn Vella (Loddon Shire Council)
If you would like more information about the project or the upcoming community meeting, contact one of the representatives listed above, Cr Gavan Holt on 0408 943 008 or Robyn Vella on 5494 1233.