Farm Water Planning Workshop – South West Loddon Pipeline Project

Published on 13 July 2017

Agriculture Victoria and GWMWater will hold a free Farm Water Planning Workshop for the South West Loddon Pipeline Project on Thursday, 20 July at the Wedderburn Golf Club starting at 9.30am.

The workshop will assist farmers in planning and designing their on farm water reticulation and future water use plan when joining the South West Loddon Pipeline. It will provide the tools to help farmers complete a basic farm water reticulation design and information and support to complete a long-term farm water plan.

The workshop runs until 3.30pm and will include lunch.

Registrations close on Tuesday, 18 July. To register, please contact Belinda Pritchard at Agriculture Victoria on 5461 0826 (mobile 0408 342 593) or Sarah Tottenham from GWMWater on 5381 9610.


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