Eucalypt Australia is to be formally unveiled in Inglewood on the 14 October

Published on 27 September 2016

A new player is set to join the ranks of champions of the environment with the launch in Inglewood next month of Eucalypt Australia.

Planned for 14 October at the town’s Blue Eucy Museum, the event aims to boost interest in the body’s active grants program and its range of projects, headed by the annual National Eucalypt Day.

The organisation behind Eucalypt Australia is the Bjarne K. Dahl Trust, opened for business in Melbourne in 2009 to promote the awareness, knowledge and appreciation of Australia’s iconic eucalypt trees.

Bjarne Klaus Dahl (1898-1993) was a Norwegian who migrated to Australia at the age of 30 to work for the Forests Commission of Victoria.

In 1948, he became Chief Land Purchasing Officer with APM Forests and played an important role in the establishment of the paper and pulp mill at Maryvale in Gippsland.

Dahl developed a deep affinity with the Australian bush and left his entire estate to the Forests Commission, to be used for the conservation of eucalyptus trees and education of the public.

The Trust has already given out over $1 million in grants to about 80 projects across the country.

This year, Eucalypt Australia will make available a total of $130,000, with up to $15,000 offered for any one successful application.

Chief Executive Officer Dr Bram Mason said he was expecting around 100 people at the Inglewood launch.

“The day will start with a welcome from the Dja Dja Wurrung, followed by excellent speakers, including Dr Ian Woodrow on eucalypt science in the region, and the presentation of a set of educational resources to Inglewood Primary School,” Dr Mason said.

“This is a National Curriculum Science and Literacy package for Year 4 students developed by the Australian Academy of Science with funding from Eucalypt Australia.

“Inglewood Primary will be the first school in Victoria to receive this package, with 100 more to be distributed around the state.

“We’ll also be launching the Eucalypt Australia website and promoting our fourth National Eucalypt Day in 2017, an event which involves many partner organisations including the Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria and Zoos Victoria.

“We chose Inglewood as a venue to recognise the efforts of former grantees and environmental organisations in the Loddon area and to link with Bosisto’s and the eucalyptus oil industry so prominent in the region.” 

National Eucalypt Day is held on 23 March each year – the birthday of Bjarne Dahl.

This year’s program included eucalypt habitat exploration for students at Healesville Sanctuary, building bark huts, art, floral and textile exhibits, a one-day symposium in Melbourne with spotlighting at the Mt Rothwell Sanctuary, guided walks, native plant sales and planting of snow gums at Lake Mountain Resort.
For more information, visit

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