Draft Loddon Shire Customer Service Strategy out for comment
Published on 01 February 2018
Loddon Shire Council’s draft Customer Service Strategy 2018-2022 is now out for public comment.
The draft Customer Service Strategy outlines Council’s approach to delivery of its customer service across the Shire and addresses a number of key strategic directions. These directions centre on effective community engagement and communication, customer service resourcing, Council responsiveness and performance, customer service delivery approach and training, Council processes, and tools for staff to deliver effective customer service.
Council Chief Executive Officer Phil Pinyon said Loddon Shire was committed to providing quality customer service.
“One of the strategies within the Council Plan 2017-2021 identifies quality customer service by improving communication with the community and our customers,” Mr Pinyon said.
“This includes creating improved opportunities for our community to be able to access information about Council, as well as services and support.
“The review of Council’s Customer Service Strategy and Charter is further supported in the Council Plan through being listed as a Strategic Indicator.”
The draft Customer Service Strategy was developed following an extensive consultation process with the community and internal Council stakeholders.
This included a survey regarding Loddon Shire’s customer service, which received 124 responses. Surveys were also conducted at a number of community events including the Tarnagulla Strictly Vintage Fair, Boort Agricultural Show, Wedderburn Open Gardens, Pyramid Hill Fiesta and Inglewood Alive festival.
Residents were also invited to attend a community workshop to provide their ideas around Council’s customer service and how it could be improved.
“The resulting draft document has been developed from an analysis of this feedback,” Mr Pinyon said.
“We ask our residents to please take the time to review the draft Customer Service Strategy and provide their thoughts to Council.”
To view the draft Loddon Shire Customer Service Strategy 2018-2022, visit www.loddon.vic.gov.au. For more information regarding the draft strategy, call 5494 1200.
Feedback to the draft strategy closes on Sunday 25 February.