Donaldson Park Community Hub contract awarded

Published on 27 July 2022


The contract for Stage 1 construction of the Donaldson Park Community Hub has been awarded to Searle Brothers for $4.9 million.

Council awarded the contract during an in-camera item at its July Council Meeting.

Stage 1 of the Donaldson Park Community Hub project in Wedderburn will see the construction of a new multisport and community-focused pavilion. Stage 1 will also include the construction of a carpark, solar installation with batteries, pavement works and landscaping.

Design is currently underway for Stage 2 of the project, which will be delivered as part of the overall project at a later date. This stage will include a new multi-faceted playspace for all abilities, landscaping and internal paths.

Works on Stage 1 of Donaldson Park Community Hub project are anticipated to begin in September this year and estimated to be completed October 2023 subject to weather and supply of materials.

Loddon Shire Council Mayor Dan Straub said it was exciting to see the project progress to the next stage in its development.

“It’s fantastic to see the awarding of the contract for the Donaldson Park Community Hub, which is another crucial step towards the completion of this facility,” Cr Straub said.

“Donaldson Park is a key sport, recreation and community space for Wedderburn, and is home to the town’s football, netball, hockey and harness racing clubs, so it’s great to see progress on the new facility move ahead.

“The completion of the Donaldson Park Community Hub will also see Wedderburn be able to host more community and regional events, further highlighting our Shire and all its positive qualities.

“Together with Council and the community, I’m looking forward to seeing on-the-ground works get underway,” Cr Straub added.

The Donaldson Park Community Hub project has been made possible thanks to funding from the Commonwealth Government, Victorian Government, Donaldson Park Committee of Management, user groups, the community, Inglewood & Districts Community Enterprises Limited and Council.


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