Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978 186-196 Godfrey Street, Boort
Published on 23 April 2016
Boort Lakes Caravan Park, situated at 186-196 Godfrey Street, Boort is Crown Land managed by Loddon Shire Council under the Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978 and is leased under Section 17D of the Act to G & L McCracken Pty Ltd . The lease expires in October 2021.
Pursuant to the Leasing Policy for Crown Land in Victoria 2010, Loddon Shire Council intends to negotiate a new long term lease to G & L McCracken Pty Ltd to operate the Boort Lakes Caravan Park, subject to the consent of the Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water.
If you wish to comment on Loddon Shire Council’s proposal or the process, submissions must be in writing and received no later than Monday 23 May 2016, to Loddon Shire Council, PO Box 21, Wedderburn 3518 .