Council seeks feedback for Open Space Strategy

Published on 17 May 2018

Loddon Shire Council is asking residents to help develop its Open Space Strategy by letting Council know what local public open spaces the community uses for recreation and how these spaces could be improved.

Public open spaces are those that are used for both formal and informal recreation. These spaces include parks, playgrounds, bushland, cycling or walking paths, rivers and lakes, and shopping areas or streets.

To help get the community’s thoughts around public open spaces, Council is asking residents to fill out a short survey. The survey asks about the use of a public open space, how often it is used and for which activities, and if any improvements are needed to that space.

Council’s Director Community Wellbeing Wendy Gladman said open space played an important role in the Loddon Shire community.

“Open spaces provide places for exercise, quiet reflection, children’s play and sport,” Mrs Gladman said.

“Council is asking our community to tell us what local places they use for recreation and physical activity and how we can improve them so that more people use them more often.

“This will help inform the development of the Open Space Strategy, which will help Council guide the ongoing development and management of these public open spaces into the future.”

The open spaces survey closes on Monday 11 June and is available at

Hard copies are also available from Shire Offices in Wedderburn and Serpentine.  

Listening posts are also being planned, which will be held at various towns around the Shire. Details regarding these listening posts will be advertised in the near future.

For more information contact Carmel Pethick at Council on 5494 1253. 

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