Council seeking feedback for Disability Access and Inclusion Plan
Published on 08 January 2018
Residents are being asked to provide their feedback to Loddon Shire Council’s Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2017-2021 which is now out for public comment.
The Disability Access and Inclusion Plan reflects Council’s commitment in continuing to reduce barriers experienced by people with a disability. The updated plan has been developed following extensive consultation with community and staff.
Loddon Shire Mayor Councillor Cheryl McKinnon encouraged community members to provide their comments to the plan.
“According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, in 2015 approximately 18.3 per cent or 4.3 million of the national population reported living with a disability – almost one in five Australians,” Cr McKinnon said.
“Going by this data, this means approximately 1383 residents of Loddon Shire could have some form of disability. This figure increases when taking into consideration temporary disabilities and Loddon Shire’s ageing population, many of whom do not identify as having a disability and therefore are not recorded in demographic statistics.
“Council would like to hear from our community regarding the draft plan, particularly those residents who face accessibility and inclusion barriers, and if this plan meets expectations in helping reduce these challenges,” Cr McKinnon added.
The Plan builds upon previous disability and inclusion plans, and further identifies how Council can contribute to better access and inclusion for its residents. This includes people living with a disability, as well as improved access for all community members such as the elderly, parents with prams, young children and people who use English as a second language.
The Plan incorporates six focus areas:
• Accessible services, programs and events
• Accessible Council buildings and infrastructure
• Equal employment opportunities
• Accessible communication and engagement
• Inclusive community participation
• Respectful and safe communities
To view the draft Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2017-2021, visit Feedback to the draft plan closes on Sunday 4 February.