Contractor – Medical practitioner for immunisation program

Published on 17 January 2015

Council requires a medical practitioner to provide advice to Council’s immunisations nurses on the 20 immunisation days in 2015. You may be required to be contacted by phone on immunisation sessions throughout the year that are conducted on various Thursdays from 9-5pm. 

Duties will include:

  • being available and contactable to provide advice to the immunisation nurse on the use of the Schedule 4 poisons when needed
  • being available and contactable to provide advice to the immunisation nurse on immunisation session days
  • be immediately available via phone in the event that an adverse reaction or anaphylactic reaction occurs during the prescribed immunisation sessions
  • providing adrenaline to Council’s immunisation program through the doctor’s bag scheme.

For more information about this position please contact the Early Years Coordinator on 5437 7999.

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